Agenda item

Update of Torbay Economic Strategy and English Riviera Destination Management Plan

To consider a report on the above.


The Mayor presented the submitted report which set out a revised Economic Strategy that would support Torbay to build on its strengths to deliver economic growth, tackle inequality and create change in the area that benefits residents.  The Mayor explained the four objectives which would assist Torbay in achieving its vision. 


It was noted that the current Economic Strategy was due to expire and that certain factors, such as Brexit and the recent government election, meant that the existing strategy required reviewing and updating.


The Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) made the following recommendation to the Mayor on the Torbay Economic Strategy 2017-2022:


That subject to the wording set out below being included on Page 6 of the Strategy, the Council be recommended to approve the Torbay Economic Strategy 2017-2022, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, noting that the Policy Framework element of the Strategy starts at Page 10.


‘Working with the ‘Heart of the South West’ Local Enterprise Partnership to build our relationship with Government.’


The Mayor considered the recommendations of the Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) set out above at the meeting and his decision is attached to these minutes.


The Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing presented the English Riviera Destination Management Plan 2017-2021 as set out in the submitted report.  The Executive Lead advised that the overall objectives of the Destination Management Plan were to deliver a series of agreed actions in partnership with local stakeholders to strengthen and develop the English Riviera’s tourism offer. 


The Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) made the following recommendation to the Executive Lead for Tourism, Culture and Harbours on the English Riviera Destination Management Plan 2017-2021:


That the Council be recommended that the English Riviera Destination Management Plan 2017-2021 Pride in Place, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be adopted as a sub-strategy of the Torbay Economic Strategy.


The Executive Lead for Tourism, Culture and Harbours considered the recommendations of the Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) set out above and her decision is attached to these minutes.


(Note:  Prior to consideration of the English Riviera Destination Management Plan 2017-2021, the Mayor declared his pecuniary interest and withdrew from the meeting room.)

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