Agenda item

Formal Adoption of the Torbay Local Plan

To consider the submitted report on the above policy framework document.


Members received the submitted report on the ‘Torbay Local Plan (A landscape for success: The Plan for Torbay - 2012 to 2030 and beyond)’ which would form the legal basis for decisions on spatial planning matters within the Bay over the next fifteen years plus.  The Plan set out a strategy for change and embraced growth in Torbay whilst placing protection and enhancement of Torbay’s unique environment at its heart.


It was proposed by Councillor King and seconded by Councillor Thomas (D):


(i)         that the new Torbay Local Plan referred to in the submitted report be formally Adopted as the statutory development plan for Torbay for the period 2012-2030, with effect from 10 December 2015; 


(ii)        that Members note that the Plan as Adopted comprises the Proposed Submission Torbay Local Plan (February 2014), as amended by:   (a) the Proposed Replacement Main Modifications set out in Appendices 2 and 3 to the submitted report;  (b) the Proposed Replacement Additional (Minor) Modifications set out in Appendices 4, 5 and 6 to the submitted report;  and (c) the Further Additional Modifications set out in Appendix 7 to the submitted report;


(iii)       that as a consequence, the current Adopted Torbay Local Plan (1995-2011) be superseded by the newly Adopted Torbay Local Plan (2012-2030) with immediate effect following Adoption;


(iv)       that following Adoption, the Local Plan Adoption Statement and related documentation be made available in accordance with Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations, and that interested parties be notified accordingly;


(v)        that Members agree to the retention of the existing planning guidance and Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents listed in Section 8 of Appendix 1 to the submitted report as supplementary planning guidance for development management purposes, pending their review, consolidation or replacement; and


(vi)       that in consultation with the Executive Lead and Assistant Director as appropriate, officers be authorised to progress the following ‘post-Adoption actions’:


(a)       the consequential compilation, editing (including typographical, grammatical and document layout matters) printing and publication of the final modified versions of the Adopted Local Plan and Policies Map booklet (including the interactive online version), Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment;


(b)       the establishment of a South Devon Delivery Review Panel (or similar) to facilitate the implementation and delivery of the Local Plan’s development strategy, including requisite liaison and partnership with adjoining local authorities as part of the Council’s duty to cooperate;


(c)        the continued involvement in preparation of Neighbourhood Plans through appropriate mentoring and provision of professional advice, in order to secure, as a matter of urgency, the delivery of compliant Neighbourhood Plans for Submission to the Council by the end of March 2016;


(d)       the development and implementation of appropriate monitoring mechanisms to ensure that key determinants of the Local Plan development strategy are monitored on a consistent and regular basis (usually annually), in particular the delivery of new homes and jobs;


(e)       a review of existing Supplementary Planning Documents [SPDs] (see (v) above, and Section 8 of Appendix 1 to the submitted report) other than recently Adopted Masterplans, and publication of up-to-date supplementary planning guidance;


(f)        the review of the existing Local Development Scheme (2014) in order to produce a revised programme of development plan work, to include preparation of the Authority’s Monitoring Report, identified revised and new Supplementary Planning Documents, and potential Local Development Documents, including any necessary Site Allocation Development Plan Documents; and


(g)       the continued development of the Spatial Planning evidence base, working with partners, to inform and ensure robust future reviews of the Torbay Local Plan, noting that the first major review could take place as soon as 2017.


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried.


(Note:  Councillor Kingscote joined the meeting during this item.)

Supporting documents: