Agenda item

Good Governance the Torbay Way - Effective Administration and Opposition - Leaders' Agreement, Principles and Constitution Amendments

To consider a report on the above.


The Council considered the submitted report on the result of work undertaken by the Group Leaders to co-create a Leaders’ Agreement, associated principles, amendments to the Constitution and ways of working to embed effective Administration and Opposition for good governance, and in response the recommendations of the Local Government Association’s Corporate Peer Challenge.


Councillor David Thomas proposed and Councillor Long seconded a motion, which was agreed by the Council (and by recorded vote requested by The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay) as set out below:


1.        that the Council approve the Group Leaders’ Agreement, the associated principles and amendments to the Constitution, as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, in order to embed effective Administration and Opposition in our ‘Torbay Way’ for good governance and for inclusion in the Council’s Constitution;


2.        that, subject to approval of 1. above, the Group Leaders be requested to sign the Leaders’ Agreement and principles at the Council Meeting on 27 February 2025;


3.        that, in order to bring into effect the associated changes to the various roles as a result of the Group Leaders’ Agreement, the Council resolves:


a)        the decision of the Council on 18 July 2024, to appoint Councillor Spacagna as Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator be rescinded (Minute 39/7/24 refers) and that Councillor Long be appointed as Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator and Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board (in accordance with Article 5.04) for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2024/25;


b)        the decision of the Council on 20 June 2024 to appoint the following Scrutiny Leads be rescinded (Minute 20(2)/6/24 refers):


Councillor Fellows - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Children’s Services;


Councillor Tolchard - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Adults, Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities;


Councillor Hutchings - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Place Development, Economic Growth and Culture; and


Councillor Foster - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Housing, Finance, Corporate and Place Based Services.


c)        the following Scrutiny Leads be appointed for the remainder of the 2024/2025 Municipal Year:


Councillor Law - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Children’s Services;


Councillor Johns - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Adults, Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities;


Councillor Carter - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Place Development, Economic Growth and Culture; and


Councillor Cowell - Overview and Scrutiny Lead for Housing, Finance, Corporate and Place Based Services.


d)       the decision of the Council on 20 June 2024 to appoint the following Chairmen/women be rescinded (Minute 19(5)/6/24 refers):


Audit Committee - Councillor Brook


Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board – Councillor Fellows


Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board - Councillor Tolchard


e)       the following Chairmen/women be appointed for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year:


Audit Committee - Councillor Penny


Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board – Councillor Law


Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board - Councillor Johns


f)        the decision of the Council on 20 June 2024 to appoint the following Vice-Chairmen/women be rescinded (Minute 19(5)/6/24 refers):


Audit Committee – Councillor Fellows


Harbour Committee – Councillor Twelves


Statutory Licensing Committee – Councillor Foster


Regulatory Committee - Councillor Foster


Overview & Scrutiny Board – Councillor Tolchard


Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board – Councillor Twelves


Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board - Councillor Foster


Planning Committee – Councillor Billings


Standards Committee – Councillor Chris Lewis


g)       the following Vice Chairmen/women be appointed for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year:


Audit Committee – Councillor Brook


Harbour Committee – Councillor Carter


Statutory Licensing Committee – Councillor Douglas-Dunbar


Regulatory Committee - Councillor Pentney


Overview & Scrutiny Board – Councillor Spacagna


Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board – Councillor Fellows


Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board - Councillor Tolchard


Planning Committee – Councillor Fox


Standards Committee – Councillor Atiya-Alla


The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Councillors Amil, Billings, Brook, Bryant, Bye, Carter, Cowell, George Darling, Mandy Darling, Steve Darling, Douglas-Dunbar, Fellows, Foster, Fox, Hutchings, Johns, Barbara Lewis, Chris Lewis, Long, Penny, Pentney, Spacagna, Stevens, Strang, David Thomas, Jacqueline Thomas, Tolchard, Tranter, Twelves, Tyerman and Virdee (31);  Abstain:  Councillor Maddison (1);  and Absent:  Councillors Atiya-Alla, Harvey, Law and Nicolaou (4).


After the recorded vote and in accordance with the decision of the Council at 2. above, the Group Leaders signed the Leaders’ Agreement and principles.

Supporting documents: