Agenda item

Nightingale Solar Farm

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet and the submitted report which seeks updated authorisation for prudential borrowing in order to bring the project forward.


The Council considered the Cabinet’s recommendations and the submitted report on proposals for additional funding to progress the Nightingale Solar Farm project.


Councillor Chris Lewis proposed and Councillor Tyerman seconded the motion, as set out below:


that Cabinet recommends that Council approves:


1.    that the Director of Pride of Place be authorised to proceed with the next stage of the Nightingale Solar Farm project that is to conduct the EPC tender process and negotiation of the Power Purchase Agreement and to then develop a final business case based on revised income and costs;


2.    that up to £4,151,000 of prudential borrowing subject to the securing a unit rate per M/Wh that exceeds the loan repayments, covers projected maintenance and other operational costs including anticipated equipment replacement costs and produces an appropriate surplus per annum over the life of the scheme commensurate with levels of risk, be approved;


3.    that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for Housing and Finance, be given delegated authority to review and agree that the final business case meets the conditions in 2. above, and subject to that agreement is then authorised to agree and finalise the detailed terms and enter into contract with The Health Trust or another user of the electricity;


4.    that, subject to the Council entering into contract as per 3. above, the Director of Pride of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place, Development and Economic Growth be authorised to proceed with the project to deliver a solar farm on Nightingale Park;


5.    that, in the event that the Chief Executive should determine that the final business case does not meet the criteria in 2. above, a paper should be brought back to Cabinet and Council to determine the future of the project;  and


6.    that a report be presented to a future Cabinet Meeting after completion of the scheme, as to the potential use of up to 10% of the actual surplus generated to be made available for community use within 1 mile straight line distance of Nightingale Park.


An amendment by Councillor Long and seconded by Councillor Cowell was circulated prior to the meeting.  During the debate, Councillor Chris Lewis and Councillor Tyerman accepted the amendment, which was then incorporated in the original motion and was agreed by the Council (unanimously) as set out below:


that Cabinet recommends that Council approves:


1.    that the Director of Pride of Place be authorised to proceed with the next stage of the Nightingale Solar Farm project that is to conduct the EPC tender process and negotiation of the Power Purchase Agreement and to then develop a final business case based on revised income and costs;


2.    that up to £4,151,000 of prudential borrowing subject to the securing a unit rate per M/Wh that exceeds the loan repayments, covers projected maintenance and other operational costs including anticipated equipment replacement costs and produces an appropriate surplus per annum over the life of the scheme commensurate with levels of risk, be approved;


3.    that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for Housing and Finance, be given delegated authority to review and agree that the final business case meets the conditions in 2. above, and subject to that agreement is then authorised to agree and finalise the detailed terms and enter into contract with The Health Trust or another user of the electricity;


4.    that, subject to the Council entering into contract as per 3. above, the Director of Pride of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place, Development and Economic Growth be authorised to proceed with the project to deliver a solar farm on Nightingale Park;


5.    that, in the event that the Chief Executive should determine that the final business case does not meet the criteria in 2. above, a paper should be brought back to Cabinet and Council to determine the future of the project;  and


6.    that a report be presented to a future Cabinet Meeting after completion of the scheme, as to the potential use of up to 10% of the actual surplus generated to be made available for community use within 1 mile straight line distance of Nightingale Park , and any decisions on the application of the community funds to be made in consultation with the Ward Councillors.

Supporting documents: