Agenda item

Brokenbury Solar Farm

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet and the submitted report which seeks updated authorisation for prudential borrowing in order to bring the project forward.


The Council considered the Cabinet’s recommendations and the submitted report on proposals for prudential borrowing to progress the Brokenbury Farm Solar Farm project since the Cabinet’s original decision in May 2020.


Councillor Chris Lewis proposed and Councillor Tyerman seconded a motion as set out below:


1.         that subject to 2 below the Director of Pride in Place be authorised to proceed with the project to deliver a solar farm at Brokenbury;


2.         that Cabinet recommends to Council that up to £2,750,000 of prudential borrowing be approved subject to securing a unit rate per MWh that exceeds the loan repayments, covers projected maintenance and other operational and equipment replacement costs and provides an appropriate surplus per annum over the life of the scheme commensurate with level of risk; and


3.         that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Finance Director and Cabinet Member for Finance should review and agree the final business plan after the EPC tender and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) stage are complete and subject to that agreement is then authorised to agree and finalise the detailed terms and enter into contract with South West Water (SWW) or another purchaser of the electricity.


During the debate Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Cowell seconded an

amendment to the motion as follows:


1.         that subject to 2 below the Director of Pride in Place be authorised to proceed with the project to deliver a solar farm at Brokenbury;


2.         that Cabinet recommends to Council that up to £2,750,000 of prudential borrowing be approved subject to securing a unit rate per MWh that exceeds the loan repayments, covers projected maintenance and other operational and equipment replacement costs and provides an appropriate surplus per annum over the life of the scheme commensurate with level of risk; and


3.         that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Finance Director and Cabinet Member for Finance should review and agree the final business plan after the EPC tender and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) stage are complete and subject to that agreement is then authorised to agree and finalise the detailed terms and enter into contract with South West Water (SWW) or another purchaser of the electricity.  


4.         that a report be presented to a future Cabinet Meeting after completion of the scheme, as to the potential use of up to 10% of the actual surplus generated to be made available for community use within 1 mile straight line distance of Brokenbury Solar Farm, and any decisions on the application of the community funds to be made in consultation with the Ward Councillors.


The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.


Councillor Chris Lewis’ and Councillor Tyerman’s original motion was then considered by the Council which was agreed (unanimously), as set out below:


1.         that subject to 2 below the Director of Pride in Place be authorised to proceed with the project to deliver a solar farm at Brokenbury;


2.         that Cabinet recommends to Council that up to £2,750,000 of prudential borrowing be approved subject to securing a unit rate per MWh that exceeds the loan repayments, covers projected maintenance and other operational and equipment replacement costs and provides an appropriate surplus per annum over the life of the scheme commensurate with level of risk; and


3.         that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Finance Director and Cabinet Member for Finance should review and agree the final business plan after the EPC tender and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) stage are complete and subject to that agreement is then authorised to agree and finalise the detailed terms and enter into contract with South West Water (SWW) or another purchaser of the electricity.

Supporting documents: