
Venue: Banking Hall, Castle Circus entrance on the left corner of the Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR. View directions

Contact: Lisa Antrobus 


No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 23 January 2025.


Disclosure of Interests

(a)       To receive declarations of non pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda.


For reference: Having declared their non pecuniary interest members may remain in the meeting and speak and, vote on the matter in question. A completed disclosure of interests form should be returned to the Clerk before the conclusion of the meeting.


(b)       To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda.


For reference: Where a Member has a disclosable pecuniary interest he/she must leave the meeting during consideration of the item. However, the Member may remain in the meeting to make representations, answer questions or give evidence if the public have a right to do so, but having done so the Member must then immediately leave the meeting, may not vote and must not improperly seek to influence the outcome of the matter. A completed disclosure of interests form should be returned to the Clerk before the conclusion of the meeting.


(Please Note: If Members and Officers wish to seek advice on any potential interests they may have, they should contact Governance Support or Legal Services prior to the meeting.)


Urgent Items

To consider any other items the Chairman decides are urgent.


Matters for Consideration


Acquisition of land to deliver Scheme 2 of the Accommodation Repurposing Programme ("Hotels to Homes") pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval for the acquisition of Scheme 2 of the Hotels to Homes Programme.

Additional documents:


Rent and Service Charge Policy and Proposed Changes to Social Housing Rents pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval to adopt the Rent and Service Charge Setting Policy and authorisation to implement the proposed rent increases for Torbay Council’s housing stock.

Additional documents:


Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/2026 Proposals pdf icon PDF 261 KB

To receive the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board on the Cabinet’s draft budget proposals for 2025/2026 and to make final recommendations to the Council.

Additional documents:


Budget Monitoring 2024/25 - April to December 2024 Revenue and Capital Outturn Forecast pdf icon PDF 681 KB

To consider a report that provides a high-level budget summary of the Council’s revenue and capital position for the financial year 2024/25, reviewing budgets and considering year-end forecasts.

Additional documents:


Torbay Council Climate Change Action Plan pdf icon PDF 319 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval of the Climate Change Action Plan.

Additional documents:


Land Disposal at Penn Meadow, Brixham pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To consider a report that sets out a request, the terms agreed for the proposed transfer and if in agreement consent to dispose of the land to Brixham Town Council.

Additional documents:


Local Development Scheme (Local Plan Timetable) pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To consider a report that seeks to agree an updated timetable for the Local Plan, known as a Local Development Scheme.


Adult Social Care electronic recording system replacement pdf icon PDF 280 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval for the procurement and subsequent award of contracts for the provision of a new Case Management System and related Finance Module for use in the delivery of the Council’s statutory duties in relation to Adult Social Care Services.

Additional documents:


Torbay Interagency Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2024-27 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval of the Torbay Interagency Carers Strategy Action Plan.

Additional documents:


Adopt South West Annual Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To consider a report that sets out the Adopt South West Annual Report 2023-24.

Additional documents:


Review of the Membership of Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL) Spend Panel pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider a report that seeks to expand the membership of the CiL Spend Panel.

Live Streaming and Hybrid Arrangements

To encourage more people to engage in our public meetings the Council is live streaming our Cabinet meetings on our YouTube channel in addition to recording the meetings and publishing the recording on our website.  To watch the meeting live please visit


We are also using hybrid meeting arrangements to enable officers and Councillors who are not members of the Cabinet to either attend the meeting in person or to attend the meeting remotely via Zoom.  Anyone attending the meeting remotely must use their raise hand function when they wish to speak and to declare any interests at the appropriate time.  If anyone attending the meeting remotely loses connection the meeting will continue and they will have the option to follow the meeting via the YouTube live stream.