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Contact: Mike Freeman
No. | Item |
Apologies/Changes to Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from Martin Phillips, Ken Kies, Mike Lock and Clive Star. Sarah Forster attended the meeting as a substitute for Sally Timmins, and Tony Jordan attended on behalf of Alex Newton.
Officer apologies were also noted from Nanacy Meehan, Martin Phillips, Dan Hamer and Dorothy Hadleigh.
Discussion on Virement decision Minutes: School Forum has agreed to support the local authority’s deficit recovery plan, whilst recognising that any decision on virement would need to be voted on by Members. This extraordinary meeting has been called to offer members the opportunity to discuss the situation and to hold a vote on what actions the forum recommends, before the disapplication deadline. Members were provided with the information on the virement ahead of the meeting and this built on our meeting in June 2021.
Members were shown a paper written by Secondary Heads, outlining their position on the proposed virement. Steve Margetts spoke on behalf of Secondary colleagues, reiterating their thoughts that any virement will not address the problem of the overall deficit, and felt that taking money from schools at a time when additional funding for COVID recovery is being sought is not pragmatic. Secondary colleagues were also wary of adding to Higher Needs pressure further down the line.
Rachael commented upon the second bullet point where it stated the Higher Needs Recovery Group had been asked to sign a confidentiality statement. Rachael explained that had taken place as the group were in receipt of commercially sensitive information regarding individual package costs. The School Forum members could view this information and have the same confidentiality statement. This has never been requested.
The Chair thanked Steve for his thoughts and whilst wishing to remain supportive of the LA recovery plan, noted the position of Secondary colleagues.
Lisa Finn asked what the long term impact of not approving the virement will be. No one is happy with the proposal, but can the ESFA impose any sanctions if they choose? Whilst the ESFA have not given an answer to this question, members agreed that if they do not vote in favour of virement, any unintended consequences later on will need further exploring.
Rachael Williams reminded members that this is the deficit recovery plan of the School Forum, and that the budget deficit sits on the Dedicated Schools Grant. Rachael shared that the LA is not being considered for safety valve funding at present, as in the view of the ESFA Torbay still has too many EHCPs and are not inclusive enough in their practice. The LA continues to engage with the ESFA around this, but Rachael explained that the ESFA will ask direct questions to Forum if they do not see improvement and are requesting solutions.
Steve clarified to members that Secondary colleagues are accepting that a solution to the deficit needs to be found, but wanted it acknowledged that given the COVID pandemic this is a unique year, and with children behind in their learning and struggling to come back to school the timing of this decision is poor. The COMF funded had been provided from the Local Authority in recognition of this, so it feels wrong to also be taken the equivalent value out of the budget.
Tim Stephens echoed Steve’s thoughts on this being a unique year, acknowledging that the impact of COVID is ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Items for next meeting Minutes: Agenda for the next School Forum will be published Thursday 18th November. |
Future meeting dates Minutes: · Thursday 25th November, 09:00 · Thursday 20th January, 09:00 · Thursday 10th March, 09:00 · Thursday 5th May, 09:00 · Thursday 16th June, 09:00 |
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