Venue: Board Room - Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Teresa Buckley Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman/woman To elect a Chairman/woman of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board for the 2011/2012 Municipal Year. Minutes: Councillor Lewis was elected as Chairman of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board for the 2011/2012 Municipal Year.
Councillor Lewis in the Chair |
Apologies and Changes in Membership To receive any apologies, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Board. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Board Members: Councillor Mike Morey (Torbay Council), Anthony Farnsworth (Torbay Care Trust), Carol Tozer (Director of Children’s Services – who was represented by Richard Williams) and Kevin Muckian (Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee – who was represented by Sue Taylor); and observers: Chief Supt Steve Swani and Jim Nye (Devon and Cornwall Constabulary) and Fran Mason (Torbay Council). |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman/woman To consider appointing a Vice-Chairman/woman of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board for the ensuing Municipal Year. Minutes: Debbie Stark was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Board for the ensuing Municipal Year. |
Introduction to Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board To receive a presentation from Andrew Webster, National Director – Joint Commissioning from the Department of Health on the role of health and wellbeing boards. Minutes: Andrew Webster, National Director of Joint Commissioning from the Department of Health gave a presentation on the role of Health and Wellbeing Boards and responded to questions from the Board.
It was noted that a Regional event would be held in Torbay in October looking at gaining a better understanding of the structures of NHS/GPs and Councils with the agreement that this was an opportunity for GPs and Councillors to get a better understanding of their mutual roles and ambitions for the Bay that could be realised through the New Health and Wellbeing Board.
(i) Teresa Buckley to email a copy of the presentation to the Board;
(ii) Sam Barrell and Ian Knee to discuss the content of the Regional event to see how it can be linked to the work of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board. |
Indices of Multiple Deprivation PDF 21 KB To note the attached report on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted the submitted report on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. |
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment PDF 28 KB To note the attached report which provides an update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted the submitted report which provided an update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). |
Health and Wellbeing Strategy a Framework for Design to Delivery PDF 96 KB To discuss the requirements of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: Debbie Stark presented a paper on initial thoughts which would be developed into the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy within an overarching community plan which outlined the needs and aspirations of the community over up to a 20 year period. Members supported the Strategy being a five year strategy which would link into other plans and strategies such as the Acting Ageing Strategy and Children and Young People’s Plan. In order to produce a draft Strategy for October it was suggested that a small working group be established to further develop the draft Strategy.
(i) Debbie Stark to take forward the comments made at the meeting as part of the emerging draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy; and
(ii) a Health and Wellbeing Strategy Group comprising Debbie Stark, Richard Williams and Caroline Taylor was established to progress the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy. |
Governance Structures PDF 57 KB To note the attached governance structures. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a paper which set out the current structure for the NHS, the proposed new structure for the NHS and the Commissioning Structure for Torbay. It was noted that the NHS structures were complex and the new structure was still in development.
The Commissioning Structure for Torbay to be reviewed before April 2012 when the Health and Wellbeing Board becomes a statutory Board. |
User Engagement - the Role of HealthWatch To consider the role of HealthWatch in respect of user engagement. Minutes: Anne Mattock gave a presentation regarding the move from Local Involvement Networks (LINKs) to HealthWatch.
The LINK is currently responsible for: influencing local services; focussing on community voices; being a local voice; and has the right to enter and view health premises. It is proposed that HealthWatch will: participate in decision-making; provide advocacy and information for individuals (from 2012/13); be a local and national voice; have the right to enter and view; and will report to HealthWatch England.
Members noted the work carried out by the Torbay LINK and that a Multi Agency Task Group has been established to steer the transformation of LINKs to HealthWatch. |
Future Meetings and Items The following issues will be discussed at the meetings below, these meetings will be held at 3.00 p.m. in the Town Hall, Torquay:
Thursday, 20 October 2011:
¨ Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy. ¨ Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
Thursday, 15 March 2012:
¨ Statement on integration of health-related services and provision of health and social care services self-assessment (including feedback from LINk/HealthWatch). ¨ Agreement of next steps. Minutes: The following issues will be discussed at the meetings below, these meetings will be held at 3.00 p.m. in the Town Hall, Torquay:
Thursday, 20 October 2011:
¨ Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy. ¨ Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
Thursday, 15 March 2012:
¨ Statement on integration of health-related services and provision of health and social care services self-assessment (including feedback from LINk/HealthWatch). ¨ Agreement of next steps.
Board Members to email any other topics for discussion at future meetings to |
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