Agenda and minutes

Venue: Banking Hall, Castle Circus entrance on the left corner of the Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR. View directions

Contact: Governance Support 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Board.


It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Liberal Democrat Group and the Conservative Group, the membership of the Board had been amended to include Councillors Steve Darling and Strang in place of Councillors Mandy Darling and Hutchings respectively.  It was noted that Councillors David Thomas and Chris Lewis needed to leave the meeting early to attend other meetings.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 369 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 9 July 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 9 July 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Performance Q1 Performance 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 197 KB

To consider the submitted Report on Performance for Quarter 1 2024/2024 and make recommendations to the Cabinet.


The Board scrutinised the submitted Performance Report for Quarter 1 2024/2025 which provided an overview of the performance of the Council working towards the ambitions and priorities within the Community and Corporate Plan and the Council Business Plan.  124 performance indicators had been identified and 33 projects.


The Board asked a number of questions relating to why the Board did not have the full details of the performance, just an overview and summary; reference was made to lack of affordable housing, temporary accommodation, move on and social housing, why did the Council dispose of its Housing Company and why was housing not progressing on Preston Down Road; what had been done to build relationships and work with Registered Housing Providers such as Sanctuary Housing to explore potential to develop some of their smaller sites for housing; the Planning Service for the Future Project was due to be closed down in July but this may have been delayed, whilst there had been some improvements in the Planning Service what tangible actions were being taken to drive improvements that were SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound), particularly around enforcement; how could the Council work with the Government to highlight the issues and needs facing Torbay especially around social and affordable housing; what was the reason for the delay in the review of the implementation of the Community Ward Fund and what impact did this have; how were complaints/enquiries logged through the call-centre, for example when a customer phones to say they had not received their poll card, when the statistics for this area was showing as no complaints (a written response would be provided on how enquiries were recorded); what was the reason for the delay on the Oldway project (a written response would be provided on the timetable for the Oldway project); what confidence could be given on when the Paignton Sea Defence Scheme would start; when was the Technology Park due to go to Cabinet; there were a significant number of stalled sites, what efforts were being made to negotiate with developers and Homes England to progress key sites; how good was the take up of the training programme for businesses; what type of properties was the repurposing project covering and what action was being taken to tackle empty shops.


Members were advised that this was the first quarter of reporting using the new format which set out the key information extracted from wider data and there was a full data sheet which could be provided in future reports.  The format of the report was to ensure that the data was more accessible and available across the Council, with the most important data to be presented in public being included in the report to the Board.  The priorities of the Council had changed slightly but most of the key areas were the same due to our demographics.


In response to questions around housing the Board was informed that the Head of Strategic Housing & Delivery Development Manager had produced a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Budget Monitoring Q1 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 667 KB

To consider the Budget Monitoring Report for Quarter 1 2024/2024 and make recommendations to the Cabinet.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the submitted report which provided a high level summary of the Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets for the 2024/2025 Financial Year.  The forecasts were based on information at the end of Quarter 1 and showed a predicted overspend of £0.526m, which was lower than the same quarter in previous years.


Members asked questions in relation to cost of taxis for school transport; why the Debenhams Development did not have budget assigned; a changing places toilet was being installed Brixham what was happening with Torquay and Paignton; in Exempt Appendix 2 what was a DRO (this was a Debt Relief Order); what progress had been made with the demolition of St Kildas; what action was being taken to address the overspend in Children’s Services and Legal Services; how confident was the Cabinet Member that the Council would achieve the identified savings on school transport; what was happening around Armada Park and the Capital Funding as the project had finished this week (a written response would be provided on the funding and why it was not showing in the report); what was the reason for the Grant Thornton External Audit Fees trebling and what other options were there for External Audit; why was the Revenue Budget Digest not showing on the website for 2024/2025; what was the reason for two different lines for the Paignton Coastal Defence Scheme; had the cut in interest rates impacted on our projections for the Treasury Management Budget; Adult Social Care Debt was showing £25m liability, had the Council considered selling the debt to the private sector to collect, as Cornwall Council had tried; was there a moratorium on spending on play equipment whilst the review was taking place and would new play parks such as the one at Plantation Way be included in the review (a written response to be provided on the terms of reference for the review of play parks, moratorium, start and finish times for the review and what happens with new parks); what was the reason for the reduced levels of fee income within Development Control; how confident was the Director of Pride in Place that the Planning Service for the Future has improved and that this was not just a result of drop in numbers of applications; and would there still be a need for solo transport to school for disruptive children or those who need to travel with an escort;


In response to questions around school transport, Members were advised that although the cost of school transport had increased the number of children had not increased significantly.  Action was being taken to reduce costs through a full review and needs analysis which ensured that the needs of the child was being addressed, where appropriate minibuses were being used to transport multiple children and a travel trainer was working with some children to help them to travel independently.  A risk assessed approach was used and those children who needed to travel alone or with an escort would continue  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.