Venue: Meadfoot Room, Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR
Contact: Kate Spencer
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Board. Minutes: It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Conservative Group, the membership of the Board had been amended to include Councillors Cunningham and Robson in place of Councillors Bye and Barnby.
Apologies for absence were also received from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor who were represented by Councillor Haddock. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 30 March 2016. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 30 March 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy PDF 290 KB To consider the draft Communication, Consultation and Engagement Strategy and make any recommendations to the Mayor. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Bent provided feedback from the task-and-finish group which had met to review the draft Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy.
Resolved: that a response be submitted to the Mayor’s consultation on his draft Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy based on the following points:
1. There is currently a lack of capacity within Corporate Services to effectively deliver the proposed strategy and this has potentially serious implications for the reputation of the Council and puts the authority at the risk of legal challenge. 2. The Council should look to work with partner organisations to establish a protocol for joint communications and, where appropriate, consultation. 3. In order to better inform and engage with its residents, the Council should invest in its website and assess the costs of including additional communication material with items that are currently posted to households such as Council Tax bills. 4. The Strategy should include an aim or objective of seeking to engage with and empower the public and stakeholders in order to bring about positive change for the good of the community. 5. The Strategy should make clear that any consultation undertaken by the Council should be agreed by the Corporate Support team in order that the risk of potential legal challenge can be mitigated. 6. The Strategy should address how the Council, and Councillors in particular, can manage the public’s expectations in terms of consultation and engagement. 7. Consideration should be given to have a limited number of key performance indicators to measure how engaged the public believe they are in the Council’s business. 8. There should be a Customer Service Training Programme for all public facing officers. 9. The feasibility of having an online e-Viewpoint Panel through a dedicated website and via social media should be explored. 10. The Strategy should include an action plan so that its effectiveness can be monitored. |
Parking Strategy 2016-2021 PDF 243 KB To consider feedback from the Task-and-Finish Group on the review of parking and to identify any issues to be reported to the Mayor in his preparation of the draft Parking Strategy. Minutes: Councillor Stockman provided feedback from the task-and-finish group which had met to consider the Review of Parking which had been undertaken on the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
Resolved: that the following views be reported to the Mayor for his consideration in the preparation of his initial proposals for the emerging Parking Strategy:
The Overview and Scrutiny Board has considered the review of parking undertaken by the Executive Head of Business Services together with his recommendations. The Board welcomes the majority of the recommendations and would wish to see them incorporated into the emerging Parking Strategy. The Board accepts the views set out in the report from Councillor Stockman.
The Board’s task-and-finish group will continue to meet to discuss issues in relation to parking tariff and parking permit options, facilities for motorcycles, the potential increase in on-street parking meters, the proposals in relation to the Esplanade in Paignton, Controlled Parking Zones and park and ride facilities. The task-and-finish group will also consider the wider issues in relation to parking in residential areas and the impact on the safe movement of traffic.
The Board will provide further feedback to the Mayor during his consultation on his Parking Strategy.
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