Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Banking Hall, Castle Circus entrance on the left corner of the Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR. View directions

Contact: Governance Support 

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Amanda Moss (Non-voting Co-opted Member).


It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Liberal Democrat Group, the membership of the Sub-Board had been amended to include Councillor Maddison in place of Councillor Johns for this meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 259 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board held on 16 January 2025.


The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Board held on 16 January 2025 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairwoman.


Annual Public Health Report 2025 on Healthy Ageing pdf icon PDF 754 KB

To receive an update on the Annual Public Health Report 2025 on Healthy


Additional documents:


The Director of Public Health, together with Julia Chisnell, Public Health Consultant, gave a presentation, as circulated after the meeting, which provided an update on the Annual Public Health Report 2025 on Healthy Ageing. 


Members raised questions in relation to how Public Health planned to reach residents who were not active in society; what work was being done in collaboration with other Council departments to improve accessibility for residents whilst keeping active within public areas; how participation was measured in higher learning and employment by older residents within Torbay; and how residents could be encouraged to prepare for an active retirement.


Members were advised that there were various schemes that operated through community and voluntary organisations to reach out to residents and support the development of social connections, including befriending.  The Live Longer Better initiative, managed by Torbay Communities, inspired people to develop their physical, mental, cognitive and social wellbeing and to join activities that would suit their interests and needs.  


Members noted that transport continued to be an important issue for older residents.  Torbay Council Public Health and Planning Teams had presented the draft Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan to the Torbay Citizens Assembly to enable their input into the planning process.  Transport would be a key area of activity under ‘Age Friendly Torbay’. 


Members were advised that the Public Health Team did not have data on the numbers of older residents involved in higher learning although it was known that many people nationally chose to remain in employment beyond retirement age or to take up new learning, training or other activities.  The Centre for Ageing Better published a range of reports on relevant topics, including age friendly employment experience and practice. 


It was noted that local community providers, including the Live Longer Better programme, prompted people to think about and prepare for retirement.  Some employers also offered retirement planning resources for their staff.  It was also noted that through their employment, residents could build networks for future opportunities for volunteering and mentoring after retirement.


Resolved (unanimously):


That the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board notes the plan for the Annual Public Health Report for 2025 and timetable set out in the submitted report and that the Director of Public Health be recommended to include the following in the Annual Public Health Report 2025 on Healthy Ageing:


1.            how employers can help with preparing people for reaching retirement age and beyond;


2.            how residents can expand social networks through non-traditional methods including social media;


3.            to showcase some of the intergenerational work that had been carried out by partner organisations working with local schools; and 


4.            a focus on the importance of improvements in transport for an ageing population.  



LGA Peer Challenge Action Plan pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To receive an update and highlights of the LGA Peer Challenge Action Plan.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Services and the Divisional Director of Adult Services presented the quarterly update of the Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge Action, as circulated prior to the meeting. 


Members raised questions in relation to when the assessment of the current Carers’ offer would begin and what the timeframe would be; and whether there were opportunities to review people’s experience with Adult Social Care.


Members were advised that the Divisional of Adult Social Care was currently working on the scope and identifying the most appropriate agency to help with the resourcing of the assessment of the Carers’ offer and it was hoped it would begin in May 2025.


Members noted that Healthwatch would be carrying out a consultation from Healthwatch’s perspective of Torbay resident’s experience of using Adult Social Care and would be working with Torbay Council as partners.  A report would be brought to the Sub-Board at a future meeting. 


Resolved (unanimously):


1.         that the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board notes the progress of the LGA Peer Challenge Action Plan;


2.         that the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care be requested to review the LGA Peer Challenge Action Plan and include provisional dates where currently stated within the Plan that work has not started;


3.         that the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care be requested to provide an update to the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board when the assessment of the Carers’ offer is due to commence; and


4.         that the Healthwatch report on resident’s experience with Adult Social Care is added to the Work Programme for a future Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board meeting. 



Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board Action Tracker pdf icon PDF 261 KB

To receive an update on the implementation of the actions of the Sub-Board and consider any further actions required (as set out in the submitted action tracker).


The Sub-Board noted the submitted action tracker.