No. | Item |
Minutes of the last meeting held on 5th May 2022 PDF 341 KB To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 5th May 2022 Minutes: All agreed that the minutes of the last meeting were an accurate record of the meeting held on 5th May 2022.
Action Tracker/Matters arising from the last meeting PDF 8 KB Minutes: KM ran through the action tracker with the actions recorded from the last meeting held on 5th May.
KM asked Cllrs NB & JO’D if they were aware of any reports of ASB that had been reported to the Police from the campervans parked at Meadfoot Road as KM has been advised that the police have reported that they have no reports of ASB recorded for any campervans. KM reiterated that any incidents of criminal activity should be reported to the Police via 101. Cllr SL commented that there is an email address and online form that can be used for reporting any non-emergency incidents to the Police ( )
Reporting Antisocial behaviour to Police online - Report anti-social behaviour | Devon and Cornwall Police (
Reporting Antisocial behaviour to Torbay Council online - Report anti social behaviour - Torbay Council
Update on Ilsham Marine Drive traffic regulation order (TRO) Minutes: IJ updated that the proposed traffic regulation order was sent to the ward members for comments and feedback was received from Cllr NB that the proposal was too much so a suggested alternative proposal was sent. Cllr NB commented that this was discussed at a recent Community Partnership Meeting and the residents were happy with the amended TRO to be put forward. IJ advised that the agreed TRO proposal is now progressing.
Update on Bay wide strategy for Motor home/Camper vans PDF 108 KB Minutes: SH introduced the update on a bay-wide strategy for motorhomes and campervans. There are two issues with motorhome/campervans parking on the highway and in the car parks. As previously discussed, it is not an offence for people to park on the highway in a motorhome or campervan and sleep in that vehicle overnight, however it is an offence to discharge waste.
SH advised that the website has tried to be as clear as possible to provide guidance for people parking within Torbay in motorhomes/campervans.
Motorhomes/campervans are not allowed to park overnight within Torbay Council owned car parks. On the website it does refer anyone wishing to park overnight to the English Riviera website for locations of campsites and caravan parks where they can choose to stay.
SH explained that there are some local authorities nearby who have introduced parking for motorhomes and campervans in local car parks which has been successful.
SH advised that the next stage is to bring to the November meeting, a full option appraisal which details proposals to allow motorhomes and campervans to park in Torbay Council car parks and try to address the issue of on street parking. Christine Davies (St Marychurch Community Partnership) commented that there are campervans/motorhomes that park up at Babbacombe Downs for several days at a time which restricts parking bays for other visitors. CD asked SH when it is planned to review solutions for parking on Babbacombe Downs. SH commented that there is a scheme being worked on to be introduced into Babbacombe Downs which is to introduce parking restrictions/charges to ensure vehicles are not parking for long periods of time and allow for increased parking bays during the day.
CD asked if it is only an officer who can witness waste being discharged onto the highway to allow for this to be enforced and IJ agreed that this is correct but will look to see if video footage provided could be used as evidence.
Several Councillors raised individual concerns about motorhome/campervans parked in residential areas in different parts of the Bay.
SH summarised after the conversation that officers were aware of the issues but the introduction of parking restrictions into certain roads, would simply displace the problem elsewhere. Officers will continue to look into these issues and investigate solutions that might be working elsewhere in the Country. ACTION – SH/IJ
Update on the use of section 77 legislation Minutes: KM provided an update from Dave Parsons and Legal colleagues on the potential use of section 77 legislation.
KM advised that a recent email has been received by a local resident on this matter which was copied to the Chief Executive who has asked Legal colleagues to once again review the options and to provide advice to officers.
KM updated that there are new powers introduced by the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, that are aimed to tackle unauthorised encampments. Torbay Council is trying to work with Police colleagues to see if these can be used within Torbay.
KM advised that a synopsis on the new powers will be brought back to the next meeting in November. ACTION – LS to email Dave Parsons
Road Casualty Reduction Report 2021 PDF 541 KB Minutes: IJ introduced the report. It is brought to the Transport & Parking Working Party annually once the figures have all been collated and checked. IJ then ran through the highlights of the report. There were unfortunately 2 deaths in Torbay in 2021. IJ apologised as he identified an error in the report for the KSI’s for 2021 which is actually 51 and not 59 as stated within the report. This is an increase from the previous year.
Torbay Council are working closely with partners at Vision Zero South West to raise concerns and look at wider strategies on how to reduce casualties.
Cllr JO’D asked if it was possible to identify any areas where the accidents are taking place and are there any incidents happening in clusters in specific areas. IJ stated that cluster patterns are certainly a cause for concern and are investigated when they occur.
Cllr KK asked if it was possible to identify the types of incidents as well to help to inform what, if any, measures need to be taken around road safety. IJ commented that information is provided through police reports which does not always provide detailed information. Currently working with Vision Zero SW to try and improve the reporting and information that is provided from the Police. IJ advised that it has been requested through Vision Zero SW to also include information from the Fire Service and Ambulance Service within the information that is received from the police.
The report was noted following a brief debate.
Road Safety Initiatives 2022/23 PDF 277 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: IJ introduced the report and explained that this report is drafted from the accident statistics and any areas where the emergency services ask for assistance with. The areas are prioritised from looking at the resources and budget available.
IJ explained that Appendix 1 highlights the areas in previous reports that have not been able to be completed.
Appendix 2 is an analysis of areas that were raised last year and provides an update on these schemes.
Appendix 3 is a list of all of the recent request of areas to be looked at for introducing 20 miles per hour schemes and explained the list of areas.
IJ summarised that he was seeking views on the list of the schemes put forward.
Cllr C Law commented that she urges the Working Party to go ahead with the proposed schemes but is concerned about no pedestrian crossing to be introduced at Queensway. She asked that IJ speak with Rachel Williams with regards to St Michaels Primary School in Paignton and the temporary classrooms being used as there may be a need for traffic restrictions introduced there. IJ commented that he cannot guarantee that any roads would have no accidents at all but Queensway is on the list to introduce 20 mph speed zone and some minor changes to the road will be carried out when this is introduced. Cllr C Lewis commented that he believes Preston Down Road needs to be moved up on the list for road safety initiatives to be introduced due to the previous accidents that have happened by the house on the corner and there are plans to build 100 more homes in the road. IJ commented that he understands that chevron signs are being introduced in this road soon.
Cllr KK commented that she believes a dedicated cycle lane could be introduced on Dartmouth Road instead of only signage being introduced on this road to be in conjunction with LCWIP.
Both Cllrs DC and NA both commented that they are pleased with the detail stated within the plan to introduce 20 mph road safety zones into roads outside local primary schools.
Cllr CC asked if St Michaels Road, Paignton was being included due to the Primary schools around there and the fact the houses gates open straight on to the road. IJ commented that there would be some additional engineering interventions required to include St Michaels Road. He went on to say that the Fisher Street zone will include roads near St Michaels Road and includes St Michaels school.
Cllrs AB and NA both commented that they believe that a pedestrian crossing should be introduced into Queensway and that this should be a priority due to the location of the Primary School and issues with parked cars on that road.
Cllr JT asked if there were any other schemes that could be introduced into Foxhole Road due to the number of young families that live within the area. IJ suggested that Community Speedwatch is something that could ... view the full minutes text for item 47. |
£570k Highways spend Minutes: KM advised that an update will be sent out to all members to detail how the £570k is intended to be spent. ACTION – KM/LS
The broad scope of how this allocated budget will be used was agreed at a full Council meeting.
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