Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Burdette Room, Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay, TQ2 5LZ

Contact: Teresa Buckley 


No. Item


Opening of meeting


In the absence of the Chaplain, The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay opened the meeting with a moment for personal reflection.  Following the opening, Members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect in memory of Councillor Patrick Joyce, who had passed away on 12 April 2024.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Brook, Bryant, George Darling, Mandy Darling, Douglas-Dunbar, Fox, Law, Maddison and Twelves.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 334 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 20 March 2024.


The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay proposed and Councillor Stevens seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that the Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 30 March 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay.


Proposed Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority and Devolution Deal pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To consider the submitted report and the recommendations of the Cabinet seeking approval for the proposed Devon and Torbay Combined Authority and Devolution Deal.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the Cabinet’s recommendation on the proposed Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority and Devolution Deal following joint public consultation with Devon County Council on the draft proposal to establish the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority, together with the revised Table of Powers/Functions published on 29 April 2024.


Councillor David Thomas proposed and Councillor Chris Lewis seconded a motion, which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


That the Council:


(a)       thanks all those who responded to the consultation, for the time they gave in considering the draft proposal and in preparing responses to it;


(b)       considers the analysis of the responses (Appendix A) on the draft proposal for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority showing the variety, breadth and range of views expressed;


(c)       approves the proposal (Appendix B) for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (DT CCA) with the revised Table of Powers/Functions published on 29 April 2024, for submission to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, taking into consideration and having due regard to the consultation responses and the Public Sector Equality Duty;


(d)       delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to consent to the making of the necessary Regulations to create the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority thereby implementing and giving effect to the proposal, subject to those Regulations reflecting the principles in the proposal document and this report;


(e)       notes that, subject to the approval of the proposal and making of Regulations, the Council will give consideration to a draft constitution for the DT CCA in September 2024; and


(f)        notes that Devon County Council will be asked to support the establishment of the Team Devon Joint Committee and with the proposed terms of reference being considered by Devon County Council in September 2024.