Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Board Action Tracker
Meeting: 17/08/2023 - Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board (Item 6)
6 Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board Action Tracker PDF 346 KB
To receive an update on the implementation of the actions of the Sub-Board and consider any further actions required (as set out in the submitted action tracker).
The Sub-Board noted the submitted action tracker. The Senior Democratic, Overview and Scrutiny Officer provided the following updates:
· Update on Minute 30 - currently awaiting information from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust regarding their report in relation to Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio together with details of the number of agency staff that are currently employed by the Trust within Torbay and who were in the critical row of nursing;
· Update on Minute 30 – currently awaiting contact details for a member of the Devon Partnership Trust and the Integrated Care Board Social Services Team so that they may be invited to attend the Sub-Board meeting on 12 October 2023 to address how the change of mental health medication is being monitored and information being transferred to GP surgeries.
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