Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Council (Item 23)
To receive any communications or announcements from the:
Ø Civic Mayor which will include the presentation of the Public Service Recognition Award to former Councillors and the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Public Service Award;
Ø Leader of the Council;
Ø Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator;
Ø Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee;
Ø Chief Executive which will include the presentation of the Local Government Chronicle Award for Most Improved Council.
The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay welcomed to the meeting former Councillors, who were not re-elected or did not stand in the May 2023 Local Elections and presented them with a framed picture to thank them for their time and dedication to serve the community of Torbay during their term of office.
The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay invited Mr Gavin Ellis and Mr Mike Porter of Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue to present the Public Service Award to Councillor David Thomas for his service on the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority.
In the absence of the Chief Executive, the Director of Corporate Services presented the Local Government Chronicle Most Improved Council award which the Council won in June 2023. At the invitation of the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay, the Group Leaders each gave a speech on achieving the award.
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