Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/07/2022 - Council (Item 23)


To receive any communications or announcements from the:


·         Civic Mayor, to include:

Ø  a presentation from The Oldway Trust; and

Ø  in accordance with the decision of the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee’s held on 10 and 13 May 2022, apologies from Councillors Foster and David Thomas;

·         Leader of the Council;

·         Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator;

·         Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee;

·         Chief Executive.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay welcomed Chris Robson of the Oldway Trust to the meeting.  Mr Robson then gave a presentation on the work of the Oldway Trust.  On behalf of the Council, the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay thanked Mr Robson for the work of Trust.


In accordance with the decision of the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee, held on 10 and 13 May 2022, the Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay requested Councillors Foster and David Thomas to make their apologies to the Council in respect of their breaches of the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members.  Councillors Foster and David Thomas then gave their response and provided their apologies to the Council.


The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay provided the following:


a)    an overview of her attendance at a variety of Jubilee Events, which included the beacon lighting ceremony, attending local street parties and the Music on the Meadows;


b)    an update on her presentation of the Civic Award to Year 6 school children for their Community Work, which included work for charities and helping their local communities;


c)    the recent Royal visit to Torre Abbey Meadows where she and Pepsi, her guide dog, welcomed His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall to Torbay;  and


d)    a reminder that the Civic Luncheon was due to be held on Friday 29 July 2022 at the Livermead Cliff Hotel and she encouraged members to attend.


The Leader of the Council:


a)    provided an update as the Council’s representative at the Heart of the South West Joint Committee held on 24 June 2022.  The Leader of the Council advised that he had attended the meeting virtually and his participation was affected by internet connection issues.  Therefore, the minutes of the meeting would be available online to all members in due course;


b)    referred to his attendance at the recent Local Government Association Annual Conference where the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and the Chief Executive gave presentations.  The presentations were well received and it was good to see Torbay sharing its best practice at a national level;


c)    informed the Council that Becky Thompson, the Council’s Divisional Director of Children’s Safeguarding, had been shortlisted as a finalist in the Local Government Chronical Awards for Rising Star in Social Care.  Whilst not winning the award, the Leader of the Council stated that it was an accolade to be on the finalists list and he welcomed Ms Thompson’s achievement;  and


d)    advised the Council that the Local Enterprise Partnership had allocated an additional £250,000 to assist with the Torquay Gateway Project and the expanding costs in the construction industry.  The Project would assist in growing employment in Torbay.