Meeting: 17/05/2022 - Council (Item 4)
To receive any communications or announcements from the:
· Civic Mayor;
· Leader of the Council;
· Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator;
· the Council’s representative on the Heart of the South West Joint Committee; and
· Chief Executive.
The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay thanked all those who attended his Civic Ball which raised approximately £600 for his charity, the Disabled Sailing Association.
The Leader of the Council:
1. thanked members, officers and partners for their work and involvement with Children’s Services over recent years. He advised that Ofsted’s judgement on Torbay’s Children’s Services would be announced on 18 May 2022;
2. provided an update on the rates of Covid infections in care homes following the lifting of the Covid restrictions. The position was significantly better with six care homes reporting staff and residents with covid infections; and
3. advised the number of refugees from Ukraine arriving in Torbay had reached 198 and thanked those involved in the regular refugees’ welcome sessions and Upton Vale Church for providing refreshments. He added there were 19 refugee children who were integrating well in their new schools in Torbay.
The Chief Executive led a minute’s silence for Amanda Coote, an employee within the Democratic Services Team, who had sadly passed away.
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