Issue - meetings

Exploitation Update

Meeting: 18/08/2021 - Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board (Item 17)

17 Exploitation Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive an update on exploitation from Katie Buckley, Exploitation Team Manager.

Additional documents:


Katie Buckley, Exploitation Team Manager outlined the submitted presentation which provided an update in respect of criminal and sexual exploitation of children and young people in Torbay, along with the support and action being taken to address this.  Members were provided with examples of some of the individuals and groups impacted and how the multi-agency teams worked together to identify and support those affected by exploitation, working with the individuals and their families.


Members noted that there were currently 133 people who were receiving support through the Exploitation Team and raised concern that there may be more individuals who were victims of exploitation who were not known to the Council.  It was acknowledged that historically the Council had not known or been able to accurately record details of those who were being exploited but work carried out by the Team over the past 18 months had let to improved systems and working practices being put in place to enable more accurate information to be recorded and acted upon.  A new IT system was due to be implemented in November 2021 as part of the new Children’s Services Liquid Logic software which would also improve the live access and analysing of information to better meet the needs of these individuals and by the most appropriate agencies.


The Board acknowledged the improvements in the recording of individuals but were concerned about continued support once they turned 18 years old as, unless they were a looked after or care experienced young person, they ceased to be the responsibility of Children’s Services and moved to Adult Services.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Steve Darling, commended recent training on exploitation software and report writing, which he and Councillor Law attended and encouraged this to be delivered wider to partner organisations to help them understand the impact of the language used when referring to young people.


Resolved (unanimously):


1.         the Board to receive six monthly updates exploitation to include:


a.         reporting outcomes and challenges arising from the work of the Exploitation Team and multi-agency partnership; and


b.         hidden impacts of Covid-19 and what action has been taken to address this; and


2.         the Democratic Services Team Leader to send a link to all Members to ‘It was Hard to Escape’ – The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel - It was hard to escape - report (

Meeting: 27/07/2021 - Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board (Item 13)

13 Exploitation Update pdf icon PDF 359 KB

To receive an update on exploitation from Katie Buckley, Exploitation Team Manager.


This item was deferred to 18 August 2021 due to the presenting officer being unable to attend the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.