Issue - meetings

Update on the Council Redesign Programme and Agree a Way Forward for the Review

Meeting: 04/03/2021 - Council Redesign Programme and Accessibility Review Panel (Item 1.)

1. Update on the Council Redesign Programme and Agree a Way Forward for the Review pdf icon PDF 590 KB

1.         To receive an update on the Council Redesign Programme, particularly the Our Communities and Our Organisation projects and the timescales for implementation (this will help to inform the timetable for the review) – Anne-Marie Bond/Matt Fairclough-Kay/Kate Spencer/Councillor Carter.


2.         Agreement of further Key Lines of Enquiry and future decision points around which members wish to seek assurance – Scope of the Review.


Key lines of enquiry:


·         How does the Council intend to engage and consult with the community prior to making changes this year and what input can the community have into this process?


·         How does this link to the One Public Estate and the aim to have all public services together?


·         What benchmarking has been used to learn from good practice elsewhere?

Additional documents: