Issue - meetings

Scope, Feedback and Finding for the Review of Enforcement Action in Torbay

Meeting: 27/01/2021 - Enforcement Action in Torbay Review Panel (Item 1)

1 Scope, Feedback and Findings for the Review of Enforcement Action in Torbay pdf icon PDF 389 KB

To consider the submitted draft scoping document for review and consider the recommendations at the end of the attached document – Amanda Coote.


Councillor Kennedy welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Task and Finish for Enforcement in Torbay.


The Governance Support Team Leader presented the scope, feedback and findings document which was circulated with the agenda. 




The Panel agreed:


(i)         the scope of the review;


(ii)        the timetable/milestones for the review meetings to meet monthly;


(iii)       the submission of the final report to the Overview and Scrutiny Board on completion of the final Task and Finish meeting; and


(iv)       confirmed the report would be presented to the next available Cabinet Meeting after being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Board.