Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/01/2013 - Transport Working Party (Item 57)

57 Minutes from meeting held on 13th December 2013 pdf icon PDF 49 KB


Agreed as correct.

Proposed by: Councillor D Cowell; Seconded by: Councillor M Pountney.


Urgent Additional Item

Churston Golf Course – Traffic Issue

·         Discussion with Community Partnership regarding Bascombe Road/Brixham Road – School children using this and it is very narrow and poses a danger to users.  All single carriageway no footpaths.  Considered unsuitable for large vehicles.   Councillor Mills believes there should be a weight restriction to stop the larger vehicles.

·         Councillor Pritchard requested a 6 ton ban along these roads.  It is believed that smaller delivery vehicles should be used.  Farmers have supported the proposal.  PC suggested any ban needs to be enforceable and therefore the Police should be consulted.


Proposed: A report following consultation with the Police should be prepared for the next TWP meeting.


Proposed: Councillor P Addis; Seconded: Councillor N Amil.

All in favour.