Issue - meetings

Licensing Act 2003 - An application for a Variation to a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Paignton Sea Anglers Association, Ravenswood, 26 Cliff Road, Paignton

Meeting: 20/10/2011 - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 344)

344 Paignton Sea Anglers Association, Ravenswood, 26 Cliff Road, Paignton pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To consider an application for a variation to a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Paignton Sea Anglers Association, Ravenswood, 26 Cliff Road, Paignton.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on an application for a variation to a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Paignton Sea Anglers Association, Ravenswood, 26 Cliff Road, Paignton.


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation

16 Signatures, members of the public verified as living within the vicinity of the Club


Petition objecting to the extension of licensing hours on the grounds of the Licensing Objective The Prevention of Public Nuisance.


16 September 2011

2 Signatures, members of the public

Representation objecting to the extension of licensing hours on the grounds of the Licensing Objective The Prevention of Public Nuisance.


Received 20 September 2011


Oral Representations received from:





The Applicants outlined the application and responded to members questions.


2 Members of the Public

2 Members of the Public, residents living within the vicinity of the Club, outlined their objections to the application on the grounds of The Prevention of Public Nuisance.





That the application be granted in part as follows, that the supply of alcohol be extended to 11.40 p.m. seven days a week, with premises closing hours as applied for to 12 midnight.


Reason for Decision:


Members carefully considered all the oral and written Representations.  The Licensing Objective Members were most concerned to ensure was promoted in this case was the Prevention of Public Nuisance. 


Members noted that no concerns had been expressed by any Responsible Authority that the operation of these premises had or would undermine any of the Licensing Objectives.


A number of local residents living in the vicinity of the premises had expressed concern that by extending the hours as requested, noise levels from persons leaving the Premises would be unreasonable due to the later hour. 


However, Members felt that the overall good reputation and obvious conscientious management of the Club, combined with the hours granted should reduce the risk of public noise nuisance arising and allay the fears of residents.


The Sub-Committee was satisfied that by allowing the application in this manner the Licensing Objectives would be promoted.