Issue - meetings

P/2011/0824/R4 - Land at Kings Ash Primary School, Pimm Road, Paignton

Meeting: 19/09/2011 - Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19) (Item 263)

263 P/2011/0824/R4 - Land at Kings Ash Primary School, Pimm Road, Paignton pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Change of use of school land to community play area, construction of a tree house and play area including a gravelled area, fire pit and a seated area using reclaimed materials from the local community.

(Blatchcombe Ward)


The Committee considered an application for change of use of school land to community play area including a gravelled area, fire pit and a seated area using reclaimed materials from the local community.


Prior to the meeting, members of the Development Management Committee undertook a site visit.




Approval delegated to the Executive Head for Spatial Planning subject to:


(i)         satisfactory comments from the Council’s Arboricultural Team, the Police Liaison Officer and Torbay Development Agency;

(ii)        the receipt of details demonstrating an acceptable form and finish;

(iii)       the imposition of an informative/condition relating to the management of the play area.