Issue - meetings

Princess Promenade Regeneration

Meeting: 31/10/2011 - Council (Item 359)

359 Princess Promenade Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider the submitted report on options regarding the refurbishment of Princess Promenade.


At the adjourned meeting of the Council on 30 September 2011 it was decided to defer consideration of the above to this meeting.  A new report was submitted setting out proposals to repair the defective structure of the ‘banjo’ and the eastern section of Princess Parade, Torquay, to enable the closed sections to be reopened as soon as possible.


It was proposed by Mayor Oliver and seconded by Councillor Excell:


(i)                 that the capital programme for 2011/12 be amended to provide £800,000 to carry out the first phase of repairs to the promenade and upper level of the Banjo to be opened for the Summer of 2012;


(ii)               that the capital programme for 2012/13 be amended to provide £2.15 million to fund the second phase of the repairs to the structure to secure its long term future;


(iii)             that tenders be invited and a contract let to carry out repairs to the Eastern Promenade and minimal repairs to the banjo.  The contract is to commence in early 2012 to allow the promenade and banjo to be open for the summer 2012;


(iv)              that the second phase of the works to provide long term repairs to the banjo and eastern promenade be progressed and a contract let in July 2012 unless alternative proposals to redevelop the area have been approved by the Council;  and


(v)                that, subject to alternative capital resources being identified, the project is funded from prudential borrowing to be financed from the Council’s revenue budget.  The financial implications to be reflected in future year revenue budgets.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Darling and seconded by Councillor Pentney:


(i)                 that the capital programme for 2012/13 be amended to provide £2.95 million to fund the regeneration of the Princess Promenade area, including the Eastern Promenade and Banjo area (the Area), subject to the following:


(a)        The outcome of the public consultation currently being undertaken and ongoing dialogue with the relevant community stakeholders; and

(b)        A contract being entered into with a developer on terms acceptable to the Executive Head Commercial Services, in consultation with the Chief Executive of Torbay Development Agency, such contract to include a commitment for the works to the Area commencing no later than January 2013;  and

(c)        The regeneration to include:


Ø      an events space in the area where  the Banjo is now sited;  and

Ø      a long term design solution, with a life span of a minimum of 50 years, which will require only routine maintenance;


(ii)               that officers seek tenders for the repair of the Banjo and Eastern Promenade to twin track the project should private investment not be forthcoming;  and


(iii)             that, subject to alternative capital resources being identified, the project is funded from prudential borrowing to be financed from the Council’s revenue budget.  The financial implications to be reflected in future year revenue budgets.


On being put to the vote the amendment was declared lost.


The original motion was then put to the vote and declared carried.

Meeting: 29/09/2011 - Council (Item 310)

310 Princess Promenade Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider the submitted report on options regarding the refurbishment of Princess Promenade.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report on a proposal to provide an immediate solution to repair the ‘banjo’ and the eastern section of Princess Parade, Torquay, which would enable the closed sections to be re-opened as soon as possible.


With the agreement of the meeting in accordance Standing Order A16.8(a) it was proposed by the Mayor and seconded by Councillor Ellery:


(i)         that tenders be invited and a contract be let to carry out repairs to the eastern promenade and the banjo.  The first contract to commence in early 2012 with a break in the summer of 2012 with no works carried out in June, July and August and will be completed by the end of 2012;


(ii)        that the capital programme for 2011/12 be amended to provide £800,000 to carry out the first phase of repairs to the promenade and upper level of the Banjo to be opened for the Summer of 2012;


(iii)       that the capital programme for 2012/13 be amended to provide £2.15 million to fund the second phase under a second contract which will not be entered into until April 2012; and


(iv)       that, subject to alternative capital resources being identified, the project is funded from prudential borrowing to be financed from the Council’s revenue budget.  The financial implications to be reflected in future year revenue budgets.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Darling and seconded by Councillor Baldrey:


(i)         that tenders be invited and a contract be let to carry out repairs to the eastern promenade and the banjo.  The contract to commence in early 2012 with a break in the summer of 2012 with no works carried out in June, July and August and will be completed by the end of 2012;


(ii)        that the capital programme for 2011/12 be amended to provide £800,000 to carry out the first phase of repairs to the promenade and upper level of the banjo to be opened for the Summer of 2012;


(iii)       that the capital programme for 2012/13 be amended to provide £2.15 million to fund the second phase of the repairs to the eastern promenade and banjo to secure its long term future;


(iv)       that the Chief Executive of the Torbay Development Agency be requested to secure firm proposals from the private sector, without prejudice, to repair and improve the banjo and for such works to dove-tail with the Council funded repairs to the eastern promenade, and to provide a briefing to Members prior to formal consideration at the Council meeting on 1 February 2012;


(v)        that no tenders for the second phase be sought until after the Council meeting referred to in (iv) above;


(vi)       that, subject to alternative capital resources being identified, the project is funded from prudential borrowing to be financed from the Council’s revenue budget.  The financial implications to be reflected in future year revenue budgets; and


(vii)      that the Commissioner of Place and Environment, in consultation with the Mayor, Group Leaders and the Chief Executive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 310