Issue - meetings

Gambling Act 2005 - ‘Statement of Principles 2019’, (Gambling Policy)

Meeting: 19/07/2018 - Statutory Licensing Committee (Item 53)

53 Gambling Act 2005 - ‘Statement of Principles 2019’ (Gambling Policy) pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To provide Members with an opportunity to make representations on the draft ‘Statement of Principles 2019 and to agree that it be released for consultation.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report that sought agreement for officers to consult upon a revised Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy).  The Principal Licensing and Public Protection Officer informed Members that the Gambling Act 2005 requires that Torbay Council must review and publish a Statement of Principles every three years outlining the procedures it intends to follow in discharging its statutory responsibilities under the Act. 


The Principal Licensing and Public Protection Officer advised Members that the policy had been reviewed in line with Gambling Commission Guidance and where possible sought uniformity with neighbouring authorities.  Therefore, Members agreement to commence consultation was sought.




i)       that the proposed alterations to the Statement of Principles 2019 as highlighted in Appendix one to the submitted report be approved; and


ii)      that the Statement of Principles 2019 referred to in i) above be released for public consultation for a period of 10 weeks.