Issue - meetings

Devonshire Park (Former Nortel Site), Land off Brixham Road, Paignton (P/2016/1372/MVC)

Meeting: 16/10/2017 - Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19) (Item 33)

Devonshire Park (Former Nortel Site), Land off Brixham Road, Paignton (P/2016/1372/MVC)


The Team Leader for Development Management advised at the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 13 March 2017, the Committee approved the application subject to the receipt of satisfactory further information which included completion of a Deed of Variation to the original Section 106 Agreement by 23 March 2017 or within three months of the date of the meeting.  Members were requested to agree to an extension of time to allow for the completion of the Deed of Variation by 20 October 2017.




That an extension of time for the completion of the Deed of Variation to the original Section 106 Agreement be agreed by 20 October 2017.