Issue - meetings

Update to the Capital Plan 2017/2018

Meeting: 13/09/2017 - Council (Item 87)

87 Update to the Capital Plan 2017/2018 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

To consider a report that seeks approval for a number of schemes to be included in the Council’s Capital Plan.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the submitted quarterly report setting out an overview and proposed update of the Council’s approved Capital Plan.  The report provided details of capital expenditure and funding for the year.  It was noted the Capital Plan budget totalled £169 million for the 4 year programme, with £84.2 million scheduled to be spent in 2017/18, including £46.1 million on two Investment Fund opportunities, £3.9 million on the Western Corridor and £15.5 million on regeneration projects (subject to review).  It was noted £0.3 million from capital receipts and capital contributions was required over the life of the Capital Plan.  The submitted report sought approval for a number of amendments to the Council’s Capital Plan.


Mayor Oliver proposed and Councillor Mills seconded a motion, which was agreed by the Council as set out below:


(i)         that the latest position for the Council’s Capital expenditure and funding for 2017/18 be noted;


(ii)       that the allocation of the following grants to services be approved:


a)      Department of Health Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) 2017/18, £1.631 million to Disabled Facilities Grants/Adults Social Care.  £1 million be allocated to fund DFGs with the remaining £0.631 million to be used under the terms of the Better Care Fund;


b)      Department for Education: 2017/18 Devolved Formula Capital £0.079 million to Childrens Services (ring-fenced grant);


c)      Department for Education: 2017/18 School Condition grant £0.418 million to Childrens Services;


d)      Department for Education 2019/20 Basic Need grant £0.559 million to Childrens Services;


e)      Department for Education 2018/19 - 2020/21 Special Provision Fund £0.5 million (total) to Children’s Services; and


f)       Department for Transport Highways Structural Maintenance Incentive element (2017/18) £0.109 million to Highways;


(iii)      that the 2017/18 operational borrowing boundary be increased to £310 million, being £290 million for external borrowing and £20 million other liabilities, from £191 million; and


(iv)      that the 2017/18 authorised borrowing limit be increased to £330 million, being £310 million for external borrowing and £20 million other liabilities, from £255 million.

Meeting: 06/09/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 21)

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The Head of Finance to present the Quarter 1 Capital Plan monitoring report.


The Mayor and the Executive Leads to answer Board’s questions.


The Board to consider making any comments, conclusions and/or recommendations to the Mayor and/or the Council.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report on current position in relation to the Council’s Capital Plan as at the end of Quarter 1 of the 2017/2018 financial year.  The report included a number of recommendations to the Council for a the allocation of capital grants and questions were raised about the proposed allocation of the funds for Disabled Facilities Grants within the context of the Better Care Fund.


Resolved:  that Councillors Bent and Barnby meet with the lead officer for Disabled Facilities Grants ahead of the meeting of the Council when the capital allocations would be agreed.