Issue - meetings

Licensing Act 2003 – An application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Cavern on the Quay, Ground Floor, 22 Victoria Parade, Torquay TQ1 2BB

Meeting: 06/07/2017 - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 48)

48 Cavern on the Quay, Ground Floor, 22 Victoria Parade, Torquay pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To consider an application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of Cavern on the Quay, Ground Floor, 22 Victoria Parade, Torquay.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on an application for a Variation to a Premises Licencein respect of Cavern on the Quay, Ground Floor, 22 Victoria Parade, Torquay.  The Premises do fall within the Cumulative Impact Area.


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation

Member of the Public

Representation objecting to the application on the ground of ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’.

30 May 2017


Oral Representations received from:





The Applicant outlined his application and responded to Members questions.




That the application for a Variation to the Premises Licence in respect of Cavern on the Quay, Ground Floor, 22 Victoria Parade, Torquay be granted as applied for.


Reason for Decision:


Having carefully considered all the oral and written representations, Members resolved to grant the variation to the current Premises Licence, having been satisfied to do so would not undermine the Licensing Objectives.


In coming to this decision, Members had regard to the concern raised in the written representation from the member of the public. In doing so, Members noted that this application was not in respect of Live Music but instead on its own merits requesting earlier opening times and accompanying activities to permit the premises to offer an additional venue for families which were in keeping with other premises within the area. Despite this, Members did ask about noise emanating from the premises during its late operation and were satisfied by the measures taken by the Premises Licence Holder to prevent noise outbreak, as submitted by the Applicant and the Principle Licensing Officer.


In concluding, Members also noted that the Applicant had consulted with the Police, Public Protection and Children’s Safeguarding prior to submitting their application and that there were no representations from either of these or any other Responsible Authority before them. In light of this, Members deduced that there were no concerns by these Responsible Authorities in granting this application.


Should issues arise as a result of granting this application, a Review of the Premises Licence is available.