Issue - meetings

Transformation Project - Generating Income through Housing Policy Framework Document and Business Case - awaiting confirmation defer to June

Meeting: 18/05/2017 - Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) (Item 6)

6 Transformation Project - Generating Income through Housing Policy Framework Document pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To consider the submitted report and make recommendations to the Mayor.

Additional documents:


The Group considered a report which set out the Mayor’s proposal for the Policy Framework document to support the previous Council decision to establish three new companies to develop and own homes.


The Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) made the following recommendations to the Mayor:


“That the Housing Company Policy Framework document, as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved for consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Board and submission to Council.”


The Mayor considered the recommendations of the Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) set out above at the meeting and his decision, together with further information is attached to these Minutes.