Issue - meetings

Shedden Hall Hotel, Shedden Hill Road, Torquay - P/2016/0305/MPA

Meeting: 12/12/2016 - Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19) (Item 67)

67 Shedden Hall Hotel, Shedden Hill Road, Torquay - P/2016/0305/MPA pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Refurbishment of former hotel and demolition of modern extensions. Conversion to provide 4 residential apartments.  New build residential accommodation within grounds comprising 3 two storey garden cottages, 4 four storey town houses and 1 four storey coach house. Provision of 19 car parking spaces.  Reconnection to public footpath and reinstatement of stone boundary wall.


The Committee considered an application for the refurbishment of former hotel and demolition of modern extensions.  Conversion to provide 4 residential apartments. New build residential accommodation within grounds comprising 3 two storey garden cottages, 4 four storey town houses and 1 four storey coach house.  Provision of 19 car parking spaces.  Reconnection to public footpath and reinstatement of stone boundary wall.


Prior to the meeting, Members of the Development Management Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were circulated to members.  At the meeting Mr Neil Wilson addressed the Committee in support of the application.




Approved, subject to:


(i)            amended landscape proposals;


(ii)          an Arboricultural Method Statement;


(iii)         final drafting of conditions being delegated to the Executive Head of Business Services in respect of those listed in the submitted report;


(iv)         the conclusion of a Section 106 Agreement at the applicants expense to secure the restoration of the main villa in-line with an agreed phasing plan; and


(v)          greenspace and sustainable transport contributions in accordance with the adopted SPD ‘Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing’ as ‘deferred contributions’ if shown to be necessary via the viability study.