Issue - meetings

St Kilda, Brixham - Care and Services Provision

Meeting: 18/05/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 6)

St Kilda, Brixham - Care and Services Provision

To receive an update on the consultation on the proposed re-provision of services at St Kilda, Brixham.

Additional documents:


The Board was updated on the consultation activity which has been undertaken with key stakeholders in relation to the proposal for St Kilda’s. The Board also heard from Councillor Stockman on the feedback of the task and finish group which was set up to gather feedback from the community.


The Board discussed the capacity and quality of alternative service provision in Brixham and considered this against whether the current facility at St Kilda is fit for purpose.


Resolved: that the Board accept the conclusion outlined in paper presented, namely:


“As stated the building is such that it is not suitable for redesign or refurbishment in terms of fit for future service provision which means that the present spend on maintenance of St Kilda means that money is being spent on repair not care.


The over-riding question is will people have services that are as good or better than they are presently receiving if St Kilda was to close and that in doing so money is being spent on care rather than unnecessarily spent on repairs.  The proposals are designed to have people receive services more locally and in establishments that are more modern.  It is considered that these proposals are able to meet the concerns raised and enhance the well-being of those that require the service provided.”


Note:  Prior to consideration of the item in Minute 6, Councillor Bye declared a non-pecuniary interest as a close family member was a service user at St Kilda.

Meeting: 27/04/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 77)

77 St Kilda, Brixham - Care and Services Provision pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To consider the report on the proposed re-provision of services at St Kilda, Brixham.

Additional documents:


The Board was updated on the current proposals for St Kilda care home in Brixham.  It was felt that the building was unfit for purpose in the longer term and that services could be re-provided elsewhere.  Consultation was currently being undertaken with service users and their carers, staff and voluntary organisations likely to support future service provision.


Resolved:  (i)  that Councillor Stockman lead a task-and-finish group to gather feedback from the community on the proposals in relation to St Kilda; and


(ii)        that the Director of Adult Services report back to the Board with the results from the consultation and engagement process prior to a decision being made.


(Note:  Prior to consideration of the item in Minute 77, Councillor Bye declared a non-pecuniary interest as a close family member was a service user at St Kilda.)