Issue - meetings

An application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of McDonalds Restaurant, Yalberton Road, Paignton TQ4 7PE

Meeting: 08/10/2015 - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 28)

28 An application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of McDonalds Restaurant, Yalberton Road, Paignton TQ4 7PE pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To consider an application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of  McDonalds Restaurant, Yalberton Road, Paignton TQ4 7PE

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on an application for a Variation to a Premises Licencein respect of McDonalds Restaurant, Yalberton Road, Paignton.


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation

Member of the Public

A letter of representation objecting to the application on the grounds of the Licensing Objectives ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’, ‘The Prevention of Crime and Disorder’ and ‘Public Safety’.

12 September 2015

Member of the Public

A letter of representation objecting to the application on the grounds of the Licensing Objective ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’.

12 September 2015


Oral Representations received from:




The Applicant’s Representative

The Applicant’s Representative outlined the application, as set out in the submitted documents and responded to Members questions.

Amember of the public

A member of the public outlined his objection to the application and responded to Members questions.




That the application for a Variation to a Premises Licence in respect of McDonalds Restaurant, Yalberton Road, Paignton be granted as applied for, subject to the following additional condition:


That the Premises Licence Holder shall take all reasonable steps to engage with the delivery company to find a product or an approved measure which  will limit  noise disturbance to nearby residents when deliveries take place at the Premises..


Reason for Decision


Having carefully considered all the oral and written Representations, Members resolved to grant the licence but with some reservation, as  it appeared to them that the restrictive condition in respect of deliveries was not being adhered to and from the oral Representation of the Interested Party present, this appeared to be the main cause for concern


In respect of the application itself, Members were reassured that having explored this concern with both parties during the hearing, that set out in the written Representations and being satisfied that not all concerns were attributable to these Premises, that the granting of this application would not seek to undermine the Licensing Objectives.


Members were also reassured that by the 24 hour opening times of the premises, members of the public would enter the premises and in turn, would reduce the noise in the car park area. 


Members noted that there were no Representations from any of the Responsible Authorities and from the oral submission given by the Applicant’s representative who read from correspondence between Devon and Cornwall Constabulary and the Applicant, they had no issues of concern regarding these Premises.


In respect of the litter, Members noted from the written and oral Representations that this issue has been addressed and continues to be monitored by the Applicant.


Should issues arise as a result of this grant, then a Review of the Premises Licence can be sought by the Interested Parties.