Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/11/2014 - Transport Working Party (Item 186)

Local Transport Plan and Local Transport Board - Verbal updates


Sally Farley gave a verbal update on projects that are currently being delivered through the Local Growth Fund, the LEP and the Local Sustainable Fund as follows:


·         South Devon Link Road – progressing

·         New Ferry Services have now commenced

·         Walking and Cycling

·         Bus Priority Scheme – delivered

·         Smart Cards and Ticketing

·         Edginswell Station

·         Real Time Information

·         Bus and Rail Integration

·         Western Corridor

·         Torquay Gateway


Sally Farley advised that the Park & Ride scheme is not being delivered due to lack of funding and other priorities.  The current Implementation Plan is due to be refreshed after March 2015 whilst Devon have a 3 year Implementation Plan.


Patrick Carney advised that the next phase of the Fleet Street works is due to commence in January 2015 and the contract has been awarded to Roadform.  This will result in a 3 month closure up to the old Burger King and is due to be completed by the May half term.  Patrick confirmed that consultation had been carried out and retailers wanted the works to continue.


Patrick Carney provided an update on the following schemes:-


·         Scheme outside Ellacombe School has been completed

·         King Street is due to be complete by the end of March

·         20mph outside schools – stage 1 complete

·         Torwood Street – out to consultation

·         Western Corridor – pinch point funding  has enabled second stage to be progressed, due to start on site in January 2015

·         South Devon Link Road is progressing and expected to meet it’s deadline

·         Cycle routes completed at Preston and Hospital Link


Sally Farley advised that a report is expected on the Torquay Town Centre Traffic scheme with a public consultation taking place in December, followed by an exhibition on 7 January 2015.  A special Transport Working Party will be required to discuss options.  The preferred option is to be developed with consultation taking place in mid February and to go to the LTB in March.  Construction is to take place in 2015/16 as there is no funding past 2015/16.


Consultation is taking place on Torquay Gateway through the website and this is part of the Master Plan.  Due to go to LTB on 17 December.  Commence on site in 2015/16 with most of the work taking place in 2016 – 2018.


Edginswell Station is due to go to the LTB in outline in March 2015.


Cllr Addis expressed thanks for the works carried out outside Ellacombe School.


Cllr Doggett queried why pedestrians are using the bridge in Fleet Street.  Patrick advised that this is due to be removed by the end of the year once South West Water have installed their screens.


Cllr Davis expressed a well done for all that has been done for Torquay, however queried when money is going to be spent in Paignton and Brixham.  Sally Farley advised that £7m is being spent on the Western Corridor.  Money has also been spent on Velopark.  Bidding for funding is currently taking place for works to Paignton Station.


Cllr Excell thanked Sally Farley and Patrick  ...  view the full minutes text for item 186