Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/2014 (Quarter 3)

Meeting: 19/02/2014 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 51)

51 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/2014 (Quarter 3) pdf icon PDF 464 KB

To consider the projected outturn of the Council’s revenue budget for 2013/2014 as at the end of Quarter 3 and to make any comments, conclusions and/or recommendations to the Mayor and Council.

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report setting out the projected outturn position of the Council’s revenue budget for 2013/2014 as at the end of Quarter 3.  It was noted that, whilst the position had improved since the Quarter 2 report, there was still a projected overspend of £1.65 million.


The Vice-chairman of the Board circulated a paper which had been considered at the Council Business Policy Development Group the previous day.  It showed that the Council Tax Exceptional Hardship Payments budget was currently underspent by £48,000 and the Crisis Support budget was currently underspent by £360,000.  It was confirmed that these underspends had not been taken into account in preparing the budget monitoring report as it was assumed that they would be carried forward into the next year’s budget.


Resolved:  that it be recommended to the Council that the underspends in the Council Tax Exceptional Hardship Payments and Crisis Support budgets be ringfenced and used to fund a more progressive approach to help the people in most need in our community.

Meeting: 29/01/2014 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 45)

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/2014 (Quarter 3)

To consider the projected outturn of the Council’s revenue budget

for 2013/2014 as at the end of Quarter 3 and to make any

comments, conclusions and/or recommendations to the Mayor and



Consideration of this item was deferred to the next meeting of the Board.