Issue - meetings

Transport Issues

Meeting: 12/12/2013 - Transport Working Party (Item 138)

138 High Speed 2 (D Whiteway) pdf icon PDF 127 KB


David Whiteway presented the High Speed 2 report to the Transport Working Party and advised that the Strategic Planning team are lobbying the government for funding to make improvements to train services in the South West.


Councillor Doggett advised he supports the report and the ideas contained within it and fully agrees the Strategic Planning team must continue to pressure the government for funding to be invested in the South West.


Councillor Addis advised it is a wonderful aspiration but is concerned about the lack of power stations to power the electricity for High Speed 2.



Endorse the continued work with four other authorities and to continue to lobby the government to make improvements to train services in the South West.


Proposed by: Cllr Doggett

Seconded by: Cllr Cowell


In favour:  All




Councillor Darling left the meeting.