Issue - meetings

Transport Issues

Meeting: 24/10/2013 - Transport Working Party (Item 131)

Any Other Business


Torquay Gateway Scheme/Western Corridor


Sally Farley reported the Strategic Transport section are working to submit a bid for £2.3 million pinch point funding by the 28th October 2013 for the Torquay Gateway regeneration project and advised that a letter of support from the Transport Working Party would assist with this.


Sally Farley advised if the bid is successful, works could start to take place as early as next winter.


Patrick Carney reported the first tranche of pinch point funding to provide improvements to the Western Corridor has been successful with just over £1 million being awarded.  It is expected that work will be carried out over the next two winters.  The second tranche of pinch point funding is currently being worked on.



Letter of support from the Chairman of the Transport Working Party for the Torquay Gateway regeneration project and associated bid.


Proposed by: Cllr Cowell

Seconded by: Cllr Doggett


In favour:  All




Higher Union Lane


Councillor Cowell requested feedback for the December meeting of the Transport Working Party relating to the non enforcement of parking restrictions at Higher Union Lane. 


Patrick Carney reported he is reluctant to continually use resources to replace the signs at this location to allow for parking enforcement to resume as the signs are being removed within a matter of days.  Patrick Carney advised he has been liaising with the council’s Security Team who are procuring a mobile CCTV camera and it is hoped this will allow some surveillance of the area to identify what is occurring with the signs.  Any information gleaned from this exercise will be shared with the Police.


Audley Avenue


Councillor Cowell advised that he is aware of a petition that has been submitted in respect of the proposals for Audley Avenue and asked for feedback. 


Patrick Carney advised he has seen the petition which he and his team are currently reviewing but confirmed this does not change the recommendation made by the Transport Working Party although would welcome Ward Councillor guidance on this matter.




Councillor Hill advised that owing to reductions in budgets in the Authority, consideration is being given to disband the Transport Working Party and he is currently working on a report with Patrick Carney which will be presented to Members outlining this.


Should the Mayor agree to the disbandment of the Transport Working Party, all future transport issues would need to be reported to Ward Councillors who would need to advise Community Partnerships and residents alike.


Sally Farley confirmed the Strategic Transport section has their own consultation processes in place and this would not cause a problem should the disbandment of the Transport Working Party be approved.


Councillor Cowell suggested that perhaps the council could look at reducing other meetings before reducing the Transport Working Party as it was generally felt the meetings held for Planning, Licensing and Transport should not be reduced owing to their productivity.