Issue - meetings

Transport Issues

Meeting: 05/09/2013 - Transport Working Party (Item 117)

117 Hele & Coombe Pafford Traffic Action Zone, Torquay pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


Patrick Carney presented the Hele & Coombe Pafford Traffic Action Zone report and brought attention to points 4.2 and 4.4 advising these had been duplicated in error and apologised for this.


Patrick Carney advised the consultation with the residents had been carried out on the 23rd & 24th August 2013 and advised a further consultation is planned to take place regarding the removal of the pelican crossing and replacing with a zebra crossing on Hele Road.


Councillor Brooksbank raised concerns regarding the implementation of previous Traffic Action Zones as believes some aspects have not been fully completed and requested for this to be looked into.  Patrick Carney advised he and his team will review this but highlighted that this function will be carried out to ensure the Traffic Action Zone is fully completed and would not be to open up any new issues.  Councillor Davies advised she supports Councillor Brooksbank’s comments.  Patrick Carney is to meet with the Ward Members.


Councillor Darling asked for clarification regarding white access lines proposed to be implemented on the highway at Audley Avenue and wanted to know what the impact be for drivers and residents parking over these lines.  Patrick Carney advised the white access lines are advisory only and are there to advise drivers’ access is required to properties etc.  A resident can park over their own access line so long as they are not obstructing any neighbouring premises.  Drivers who park on a white access line who are causing an obstruction can expect to received a penalty charge notice issued by the Police or if requested by the resident, by a Civil Enforcement Officer.


Councillor Darling advised he is happy with the proposals for the crossing on Barton Hill Road.


It was reported it is the Council’s statutory duty to improve air quality for residents which is funded separately from the Local Transport Plan.   Patrick Carney advised changes have been carried out in Hele Village in order to try and improve the air quality and he is waiting for the initial results of these changes.


Patrick Carney advised in addition to the improvements suggested in this report for Happaway Road, there is a separate proposal to install double yellow lines along Happaway Road at the entrance of Lummaton Quarry and would prefer for this work to be undertaken using Section 106 funding.


Councillor Stringer raised concerns regarding the speed of the traffic along Barton Hill Road and as a result Patrick Carney and his team are to conduct speed surveys of this area.


Councillor Cowell raised concerns regarding the consultation with the residents of Audley Avenue and believes further consultation is required.  Councillor Excell highlighted his concerns regarding the plan advising amendments have yet to be made following the feedback received from the consultation.  Patrick Carney confirmed that the plan had been subject to public consultation at the exhibition which took place on the 23rd & 24th August 2013 and is to send a copy of the plan to Ward Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117