Issue - meetings

Appointment of the New Executive Director of Operations and Finance

Meeting: 18/07/2013 - Council (Item 49)

49 Appointment of the New Executive Director of Operations and Finance pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the submitted report on the appointment of the above Executive Director.


Members considered the recommendations of the Employment Committee on the appointment of the new Executive Director of Operations and Finance (as set out in the submitted report).  The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, expressed thanks to Caroline Taylor for all her work in supporting the Council as Interim Chief Operating Officer over the past year.


It was proposed by Councillor Mills and seconded by Councillor Morey:


(i)         that Mr Steve Parrock be appointed permanently as Executive Director Operations and Finance, on the basis of 29.6 hours per week and an actual salary of £99,634 per annum;


(ii)        that Caroline Taylor complete her acting position of Interim Chief Operating Officer on 31 July and Steve Parrock begin his post on 1 August 2013;


(iii)       that under the terms and conditions of employment, full Council grant permission for Mr Steve Parrock to maintain other employment with the Torbay Economic Development Agency Ltd (TEDC) on a part time basis equivalent to 11 hours per week.  (Agreement has already been sought by Mr Parrock from the TEDC Board in this respect);


(iv)       that the Monitoring Officer be requested to develop, in consultation with the Mayor and Group Leaders, a protocol to address and mitigate any conflict of interest issues that may arise from Mr Parrock’s employment with the Council and the TEDC;


(v)        that Mr Parrock be given flexibility to change the title of the post, in conjunction and agreement with the elected Mayor and Group Leaders.


On being put to the vote the motion was declared carried (unanimous).