Issue - meetings

Commercial Team Service Plan

Meeting: 18/07/2013 - Council (Item 48)

48 Commercial Team Service Plan pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To consider the attached report setting out the Commercial Team Service Plan and to approve the Food Safety Service Plan and the Policy on the Protection of Children in relation to Tobacco Sales and Other Age Restricted Goods.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the submitted report which included the Commercial Team Service Plan, the Food Safety Service Plan and the Policy on the Protection of Children in relation to Tobacco Sales and Other Age Restricted Goods.  Members also received the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Board which were circulated on 17 July 2013.


It was proposed by Councillor Excell and seconded by Councillor Amil:


(i)        that the Statutory Food Safety Service Plan as set out in Appendix 2 of the submitted report be approved;


(ii)        that the Policy on the Protection of Children in relation to Tobacco Sales and Other Age Restricted Goods as set out in Appendix 4 of the submitted report be approved; and


(iii)       that the overall work plan of the Commercial Team for 2013/14 set out in Appendix 8 of the submitted report be noted.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Pentney and seconded by Councillor Darling:


(iv)       That, in light of the concerns raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 10 July 2013, the Mayor and the Executive Lead be requested to develop and identify the necessary resources within the next three months to ensure that the concerns raised within the agreed recovery plan (identified by the Food Standards Agency) are addressed by the end of this financial year.


In accordance with Standing Order A19.4, a recorded vote was taken on the amendment.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows: For:  Addis, Baldrey, Cowell, Darling, Davies, Doggett, Ellery, Faulkner (A), Faulkner (J), James, Morey, Pentney, Pountney, Stocks and Stockman (15);  Against:  the Mayor, Amil, Barnby, Brooksbank, Excell, Hernandez, Hill, Hytche, Kingscote, Lewis, McPhail, Mills, Pritchard, Scouler and Tyerman (15);  Abstain: Councillor Parrott (1); and Absent: Councillors Bent, Butt, Richards, Stringer Thomas (D) and Thomas (J) (6).  Therefore, in accordance with Standing Order A19.2, the Chairman used his casting vote, voted against the amendment and declared the amendment lost.


The original motion was then put to the vote and was declared carried.


(Note:  Prior to consideration of Minute 48, Councillors Richards and Thomas (D) declared their pecuniary interests and withdrew from the meeting room.)