Issue - meetings

Community Safety Service Plan (Commercial Team)

Meeting: 10/07/2013 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 19)

19 Community Safety Service Plan (Commercial Team) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To consider the draft Community Safety – Commercial Services Service Plan and to make any comments and recommendations to the Council.

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report which set out the Commercial Team Service Plan which included the Food Safety Service Plan and the Policy on the Protection of Children in relation to Tobacco Sales and Other Age Related Goods.  The Service Plan included the current work plan for the Commercial Team which comprises the functions of Food Safety, Trading Standards, Licensing, Health and Safety and Emergency Planning within the Community Safety Business Unit.


The Board noted that the Business Unit now prioritises its workload based on risk and will always target first those businesses, activities, emergencies and disease outbreaks considered to be of the highest risk.  Its resilience to continue to deliver its full range of statutory duties and meet customer expectations, within the resources allocated, is now under significant strain.


Resolved:  that the following views and recommendations be forwarded to the Council:


The Commercial Team within the Community Safety Business Unit has the full confidence of the Overview and Scrutiny Board which believes it is doing a good job in difficult circumstances.


However, the Board has grave concerns especially as it heard phrases such as the service being “close to falling over” and “not fulfilling its statutory duties” during the course of its debate.  The Board also heard how the Team is not able to fully implement the recovery plan agreed with the Food Standards Agency following its inspection in November 2011.


Whilst there is a risk to the reputation of Torbay and the Council, the risk to the public is even greater.


The Board request that the Mayor and Executive Lead review how the actions in recovery plan can be achieved in the short to medium term.