Issue - meetings

Clennon Valley Cycling Facilities

Meeting: 15/05/2013 - Council (Item 15)

15 Clennon Valley Cycling Facilities pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the above report on the proposed creation of sports facilities at Clennon Valley.

Additional documents:


Following the decision of the Council at it’s meeting on 28 February 2013, the Council received a further report on the funding proposals for cycling development at Clennon Valley.  A revised officer recommendation was circulated at the meeting.


The Chairman invited Mr Andrew Perkins, the Chairman of the Mid Devon Cycling Club, to speak in support of the proposals.


It was proposed by Councillor Excell and seconded by Councillor Cowell:


(i)      that the Council make available up to £780,000 of prudential borrowing subject to a level of funding being provided by British Cycling to enable a closed road circuit and outdoor velodrome to be constructed at Clennon Valley;


(ii)     if approved the costs for prudential borrowing will be £57,000 per annum and added to the council’s base budget in future years (paragraph 6.2 of the submitted report refers) should income not cover this expenditure;


(iii)    in addition the Council agrees to make provision within the base budget a sum up to £27,200 for future format maintenance costs and accept responsibility for any liabilities as set out in paragraph 5.3 of the submitted report, should income not cover this expenditure;  and


(iv)    that the Chief Executive of Torbay Development Agency be instructed to provide the project management for the development on behalf of the Council and in consultation with British Cycling in respect of the design, funding and specification.


In accordance with Standing Order A19.4 and at the request of Councillor Excell, a recorded vote was taken on the motion.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  The Mayor, Councillors Amil, Baldrey, Barnby, Brooksbank, Butt, Cowell, Darling, Davies, Doggett, Ellery, Excell, Faulkner (A), Faulkner (J), Hernandez, Hill, James, Kingscote, Lewis, Mills, Morey, Pentney, Pountney, Pritchard, Richards, Scouler, Stocks, Stockman, Stringer, Thomas (D) and Thomas (J) (31);  Abstain:  Councillor Addis, Bent, Hytche and Parrott (4);  and Absent:  Councillors McPhail and Tyerman (2).  Therefore, the motion was declared carried.