Issue - meetings

Proposed Submission (Publication) of Torbay Local Plan

Meeting: 15/05/2013 - Council (Item 20)

20 A Landscape for Success - the new Local Plan for Torbay pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To consider the above report setting out a framework to assist in the preparation of a new draft Local Plan.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the submitted report on the development of the new Local Plan for Torbay (entitled ‘A Landscape for Success’) and proposals for the direction and headline policies for the new Plan including a framework for growth and change.  A revised officer recommendation was circulated at the meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor Thomas (D) and seconded by Councillor Morey:


(i)      it is recommended that the Council agrees the following high level growth figures and headline policies for housing and jobs, and related monitoring and review mechanisms, to be included in the Proposed Submission version of the new Torbay Local Plan:


a)  The Bay’s important environmental assets are so crucial to Torbay’s future (economically, socially and environmentally) that the Plan establishes a maximum capacity, based on clear evidence, for new development;


b)  Delivery of between 5,000 – 6,000 net new FTE jobs over the Plan period and beyond. This figure should not be fixed as a maximum/ceiling;


c)  Delivery of 8,000 – 10,000 new homes over the Plan period and beyond, with 400 new homes per annum (+/- 25%) over first 5 years of the Plan to meet demand, including the provision of affordable housing to meet local needs;


d)  A major and positive review of the Plan every 5 years, in partnership with Teignbridge District Council and South Hams/West Devon District Council to ensure a sub-regional approach to new development; and


e)  Provision of new jobs, homes and infrastructure will be monitored and reported, against clear criteria, on an annual basis and will inform major reviews every 5 years. If growth in new jobs and homes exceeds levels in the Plan (and associated criteria) this will trigger a strategic review of land/sites across South Devon, jointly with adjoining Local Authorities, to identify land/sites that could best meet additional demand;


(ii)     that a further Report be presented to the Place Policy Development Group, which includes:


a.   the Proposals Maps currently in the course of preparation (consistent with the requirement in the National Planning Policy Framework that they be included in the Submission version of the Local Plan);  and


b.   the proposed revisions to policies, other than those dealing directly with growth levels;  and


(iii)    that the Executive Head of Spatial Planning, in consultation with members of the Place Policy Development Group, determine the need for further consultation and decision by the Council prior to formal Submission, having considered the Proposals Maps and revisions to policies.


On being put to the vote the motion was declared carried.