Issue - meetings

Transfer of Public Health Functions to Torbay Council

Meeting: 28/02/2013 - Council (Item 122)

Transfer of Public Health Functions to Torbay Council

To consider a report on the above.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the submitted report which summarised the transfer arrangements from the NHS and recorded the staff, contracts and assets that the Council needed to formally accept. 


The Chairman advised that the public health function was an executive decision and required a decision from the Mayor.  However, as authority was required for the Constitution to be changed and budget considerations a decision was also required from Council. 


It was proposed by Councillor Hernandez and seconded by Councillor Bent:


(i)         That the Council and the Mayor accept and acknowledge the responsibilities, staff, assets and liabilities transferring from April 2013 and notes, in accordance with national guidance, that:


(a)          The Director of Public Health (DPH) was a statutory chief officer with direct accountability to the Chief Operating Officer and access to members.

(b)          The DPH would be responsible for the statutory duties of the Council with regards to public health.

(c)          Expenditure commitments for staff and contracts transferring to the Council, as set out in appendices to the submitted report.

(d)          The DPH for Plymouth is the lead DPH for health protection in LRF area.

(ii)        that the Council and the Mayor delegate (in respect of the functions listed that are their respective responsibilities) to the Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the Mayor and group leaders the following matters:-


(e)          Agreement on the Clinical governance to be provided to the Council by the Clinical Commissioning Group.

(f)           The establishment of a Council Health Protection Forum.

(g)          The finalisation and agreement of the Core Offer to the Clinical Commissioning Group.

(h)         Any additional authorisation or agreement that may be needed prior to the next scheduled ordinary council meeting of the Council in respect of the public health transition.

(iii)       that the Council authorise the Monitoring Officer to make any necessary amendments to the Constitution following the transfer of Public Health responsibilities to the Local Authority.


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried (unanimously).  The Mayor considered the recommendation of the Council as set out above at the meeting and a record of his decision, together with further information, is attached to these minutes.