Issue - meetings

Paignton Harbour Development Opportunity

Meeting: 27/06/2016 - Harbour Committee (Item 18)

Paignton Harbour Development Opportunity

To receive a report on a potential development opportunity at Paignton Harbour.

Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


Further to Minute 42/3/16, Members received an exempt report which provided an update in respect of the business case for the potential redevelopment of the Harbour Light Restaurant building at Paignton Harbour.




(i)         that the Harbour Committee note the findings of the Business Case for the redevelopment of the Harbour Light building into a first floor family friendly restaurant and the ground floor for cafes and refreshments, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report;


(ii)        that, the principal of a phased redevelopment in line with the Port Masterplan be agreed and the Executive Head of Business Services in consultation with the Chairman of the Harbour Committee and the Torbay Development Agency, be asked to undertake a business case for a phased approach to the development and to carry out an internal inspection and structural survey; and


(iii)       that the tenants of the Harbour Light Restaurant building continue to be consulted and kept informed as to the proposals that might affect the future use of the building.