Decision details

Torbay Community Wellbeing Contract

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That authority be delegated to the Director of Adult and Community Services in consultation with the Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services to award contracts to successful bidders on the Community Wellbeing Contract procurement.

Reasons for the decision:

An integrated service contract would incorporate an alternative ‘front door’ for adult social care in Torbay by ensuring where appropriate people’s support needs are met by community based and led organisations within Torbay.

Alternative options considered:

The following alternative options were considered and discounted:


Option 1: carry on with individual separate contracts/ temporary funding grants for each of the functions within scope of this procurement. This option has been discounted as it:


         i.        Reduces the positive impact an integrated service offer would have;

       ii.        Increases the demand for contract management resources from within the Council

      iii.        Reduces the efficiencies a potential provider can achieve through having a larger more integrated offer.

      iv.        Reduces the ability of organisations to retain staff and effectively manage an effective service that supports the preventative purpose of this work.


Option 2: cease the provision of a community-based support offer in Torbay. This option was discounted due to:


         i.        The need to find ways to effectively support and prevent escalation of need for our citizens. With growing demand for Adult Social Care services there is a requirement to ensure we are meeting our prevention duties under the Care Act (2014) and maximise efficiencies within our system whilst maintaining quality levels of care.

       ii.        Pilot work has demonstrated the ability of our Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise partners in Torbay to effectively provide support to individuals within their own communities in Torbay and improve independence and wellbeing. This effectiveness not only reduces immediate costs but also supports future cost avoidance.


Option 3: shorter duration of contract – for example a 12month only contract. This option was discounted due to:


         i.        The need for a secure preventative and ‘front door’ offer for Adult Social Care – this forms part of wider transformation work within Adult Social Care – a longer term more secure provision will ensure that this contract can be embedded and worked into wider system transformation work.

       ii.        The market had strongly indicated that shorter term contracts are less attractive and also substantially impact on the ability to efficiently deliver quality services that support the overall objectives. Shorter term contracts increase the risk of a failed procurement – this would have substantial impact on the wider Adult Social Care transformation work programme.


This decision will come into force and may be implemented on 22 July 2024 unless the call-in procedure is triggered (as set out in the Standing Orders in relation to Overview and Scrutiny).


Demand for Adult Social care continues to increase. To address the Council’s critical need to meet the needs of local people in a community focused way and reduce the demand of individuals for statutory support to maintain their independence, health and wellbeing in the community the Council needs to ensure there are robust mechanisms and support services in place to enable people to connect and engage with community-based support within their own neighbourhoods.


As such procurement was required for a community based integrated Community Wellbeing Service for the provision of:

·         A Community Helpline;

·         A Community Hub;

·         A Community Co-ordination Function; and

·         Management of a Community Fund


The contract would be structured as a three-year contract to ensure the Council had stability of provision that would run alongside wider transformation programmes within Adult Social Care in Torbay. The successful provider(s) of the contract would be required to work closely with both the Council and Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust to ensure it formed part of the wider integrated care arrangements in Torbay.


At the meeting, Councillor Tranter proposed and Councillor Tyerman seconded a motion that was agreed unanimously by the Cabinet, as set out above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 12/07/2024

Date of decision: 11/07/2024

Effective from: 20/07/2024