Decision details

Torbay Road Public Realm and Highway Layout

Decision Maker: Director of Pride in Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To determine the final arrangement of the public realm and highway layout to enable delivery of the Future High Street Fund project.

The Future High Street Fund programme agreed with Government includes a project for Torbay Road. There have been three trial arrangements of the revised highway layout to understand how the final scheme will work.


That the final scheme for Torbay Road will be based on the original Future High Street Fund scheme, with no permanent full or partial pedestrianisation of Torbay Road and reinstating the highway arrangement as it was before the trials.

Reasons for the decision:

The Future High Street Fund programme agreed with Government includes a public realm project for Torbay Road. The original bid envisaged improvements to the street scene however there have been three trial arrangements of the revised highway layout to understand how the final scheme will work.

Alternative options considered:

In summary, the three trial schemes provided alternative options as indicated below;


Trial 1 - Full Pedestrianisation of the whole of Torbay Road


This trial saw the entirety of Torbay Road pedestrianised with Station Square also pedestrianised up to the junction with Hyde Road.


Trial 2 – Partial Pedestrianisation


This first amendment to the trial tested pedestrianisation of the western section from and including Station Square to the Queens Road / Garfield Road Junction. Access to all vehicles at the eastern section one-way from the seafront to the Queens Road / Garfield Road Junction.


Trial 3 – Enhanced / widened footway and access to all vehicles.


The second amended trial had the whole of Torbay Road opened-up, allowing access to all vehicles based on a one-way access from Hyde Road to the Queens Road / Garfield Road junction, and access from the seafront to the Queens Road / Garfield Road junction.


Although there have been indications of support from the community there has been sustained opposition to pedestrianisation from businesses operating on Torbay Road throughout the process.


Further detail on the trial options is set out in Appendix 1; Future High Street Fund - Torbay Road pedestrianisation trial summary.


This decision will be implemented immediately.


To determine the final arrangement of the public realm and highway layout to enable delivery of the Future High Street Fund project, following informal discussions with the Council Leadership Group and Cabinet Members, who subsequently held discussions with the Ward Councillors.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 28/03/2024

Date of decision: 27/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: