Decision details

Revenue and Capital Budget 2023/2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the Council’s Revenue Budget and Capital Plan Budget for 2023/2024 including the setting of fees and charges for Council services and Capital Strategy.

There are currently a number of unknown elements in respect of Government’s financial settlement including the implications of the Autumn Budget expected in mid November 2022. Therefore, the Council will prepare its budget following the Government’s local government finance settlement announced in December 2022. The Cabinet will launch its draft budget for five weeks consultation at its Cabinet meeting on 10 January 2023, with the final recommendations being considered by Cabinet in February 2023 and considered by Council in March 2023. As the budget proposals will be later for 2023/24 and not be submitted before 8 February 2023, Standing Orders F2.7 to 2.11 will not apply (whereby the Council provides any objections to the Cabinet to review before determining the budget).


That Cabinet recommends to Council:


Revenue Budget:


1.         That for 2023/24 net revenue expenditure of £131.0mresulting in a Council Tax requirement of £82.7m for 2023/24 (a 4.99% increase in Council Tax, of which 2% is for Adult Social Care) be approved;


2.         That the proposed Fees and Charges for 2023/24 be approved;


3.         That, in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government Act 2003, the advice given by the Chief Finance Officer with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves (as set out in the report) be noted;


4.         That it be noted that the Brixham Town Council precept for 2023/24 of £394,372 will be included as part of the Torbay Council budget for Council Tax setting purposes; and


5.         That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services, Chief Finance Officer, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Cabinet Member for Finance, be authorised to approve the “safety value” agreement in relation to the Higher Needs Block deficit, subject to an offer of an agreement being made by the Department for Education.


Review of Reserves:


1.            That, in support of the 2023/24 budget setting process, the Council’s reserves position be noted.


Capital Strategy:


1.         That the Capital Strategy 2023/24 be approved.


Capital Plan:


1.            That the Capital Plan for 2023/24 as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report be approved; and


2.         That the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Director of Adult and Community Services, the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing, be authorised to approve the business cases for the use of the Community Affordable Housing loan allocations.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council has a statutory obligation to set a budget each financial year and must take account of all factors when setting the budget.  The Cabinet’s response to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board were set out in the submitted report.

Alternative options considered:



The recommendations of the Cabinet will be considered at the meeting of Council being held on 7 March 2023.


The Cabinet considered a report that outlined the draft revenue and capital budgets and implications of the draft proposals for service change, income generation and efficiencies.  The proposals had been subject to detailed public consultation and examination by the Overview and Scrutiny Board (through its Priorities and Resources Review Panel).


The Cabinet thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Board for their comprehensive review of the Cabinet’s proposals for the Council’s Revenue Budget for 2022/2023.  The report had been compiled in light of the findings and conclusions reached by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.  The Board had taken into account the views expressed by members of the public and stakeholder representatives.


The Cabinet also gave consideration to the reports on the Review of Reserves and draft Capital Strategy.


At the meeting, Councillor Cowell proposed and Councillor Steve Darling seconded a motion which was agreed by the Cabinet as set out above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

Councillor Morey declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Board Member of the Admiral Swimming Centre in Brixham.

Publication date: 28/02/2023

Date of decision: 23/02/2023