Decision details

Future State Project

Decision Maker: Elected Mayor

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


TOR2 and Torbay Council are working together to improve the work flow between the organisations and within the departments that deliver the services. The outcome of the project will be reduced duplication and introducing efficiencies in all the processes from requesting action, through the delivery of the service, to the payment stage.  This item has been included in the Forward Plan as it may result in a significant contractual change.


(i)         That the implementation of Future State processes, organisational structures and auditing of the contract to contribute towards a target of £930,500 in savings between Torbay Council, TOR2 and other contractors, be approved. The target savings breakdown as follows:


·        TOR2 - £369,000 (50% to Torbay Council)

·        Torbay Council, Resident & Visitors: £521,500

·        Torbay Council, Contact Centre: £40,000

·        Other departments: To be determined.


(ii)        That authority be delegated to the Director of Place in consultation with the Mayor and Executive Leads to align the organisational structure of the Council to Future State processes to meet resource and efficiency savings. In this regard:


·        It is recommended that the management of all property Assets, including Highways and Street Scene, are centralised under Torbay Development Agency by April 2015.


·        It is recommended that the Council structure will mirror the changes that TOR2 have made in aligning the business around work types – Ordered/Programmed, Reactive and Cyclical work.


·        It is recommended that the calls relating to TOR2 are moved from the Torbay Contact Centre and are taken by the TOR2 Control Hub.


(iii)       That Torbay Council and TOR2 continue working towards the current performance standards and implement a process of continual performance improvement and auditing of the Joint Venture.

Reasons for the decision:

To move both TOR2 and Torbay Council to the Future State Process which will enable both organisations to meet current and future budget targets through more efficient processes.  Also, failure to make savings from revised processes and organisational structures will result in a reduction of services provided by TOR2.

Alternative options considered:

Alternative options are set out in the submitted report.


This decision will come into force and may be implemented on Wednesday 18 December 2013 unless the call-in procedure is triggered (as set out in the Standing Orders in relation to Overview and Scrutiny).


Torbay Council and TOR2 Future State Process project aims to introduce more efficient processes realising costs savings and improvement in service delivery.  The Future State will establish a joined up approach between the Council and TOR2 which will lead to greater customer service and reduced complexity.  A series of joint workshops identified that, under the current methods of working between the two organisations, there were duplications, inefficiencies and processes that did not add value.


The Mayor supported the recommendations of the Council made on 5 December 2013 (which included an amended officer recommendation) as set out in his decision above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 10/12/2013

Date of decision: 05/12/2013

Effective from: 18/12/2013