Decision details

Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Housing Sector - Mayoral Decision

Decision Maker: Elected Mayor

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To respond to request by the Overview and Scrutiny Board to refer the decision back to the Mayor following a call-in of the original decision.


That the Mayor’s response to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board in respect of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Housing Sector review be a per the table set out below:



Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation:

Mayor’s Response

Timescale for Implementation:

Responsible Officer:


That measures should be taken to address the lack of confidence felt by those immediately affected by anti-social behaviour in the multi-agency work being carried out and that the Police and Crime Commissioner, once elected, be requested to prioritise the issue.


The peninsula Strategic Assessment prepared by all Community Safety Partnerships and the Police includes antisocial behaviour issues as a key priority.  This strategic assessment will be provided to the Police & Crime Commissioner as part of a welcome pack.

The PACT process is currently being reviewed and a new programme implemented to encourage engagement around reporting and feedback.


Nov 2012










Aug 2012

Fran Hughes


That, in future rounds of annual budget setting, the impact of anti-social behaviour and poor housing standards on the wellbeing of local residents and the reputation of Torbay as a tourist destination be acknowledged and funded accordingly.


The recommendations from this Overview & Scrutiny report will be considered as part of the internal service review of the Community Safety Business Unit and subsequently part of the overall prioritisation of the budget for this service later in the year.


July 2012

Fran Hughes


That the Council no longer invest in the Torbay Landlord Accreditation Scheme and that an arms-length partner to run the Scheme on a self-funded basis be vigorously pursued.


The Landlord Accreditation Scheme will no longer be promoted and will be closed to new applicants from July 2012.  It will be superseded by Landlord Rent Deposit Scheme.


July 2012

Fran Hughes


That immediate consideration be given to the Business Case (appended to this report) on fast-track, targeted enforcement to tackle anti-social behaviour and improve the quality of private rented sector housing with implementation in the current financial year. 


The recommendations from this Overview & Scrutiny report will be considered as part of the internal service review of the Community Safety Business Unit and subsequently part of the overall prioritisation of the budget for this service later in the year as additional resources will be required.


July 2012

Fran Hughes


That there be a continuation of targeted multi-agency intervention to promote a rise in standards of housing accommodation.


The partnership approach to addressing standards of housing accommodation will continue with existing resources.


Tara Fowler/Fran Hughes


That targeted selective and/or additional licensing of houses in multiple occupation be prioritised in the emerging Housing Strategy and that a Business Case for this be prepared as a matter of urgency.


The recommendations from this Overview & Scrutiny report will be considered as part of the internal service review of the Community Safety Business Unit and subsequently part of the overall prioritisation of the budget for this service later in the year as additional resources will be required


July 2012

Fran Hughes


Reasons for the decision:

To respond to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board in respect of the review of Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Housing Sector having regard to current and emerging budget pressures.

Alternative options considered:



This decision will come into force and may be implemented on 15 June 2012.


At the adjourned Annual Council meeting held on 16 May 2012 the Mayor deferred consideration of the scrutiny review in respect of Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Housing Sector to enable further discussion with the Executive Leads.  The Overview and Scrutiny Report and Issues Paper (prepared by the Executive Head of Community Safety) was considered at the Senior Leadership Board meeting held on 12 June 2012.  Members supported the comments/actions identified in the issues paper as a response to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Board.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 14/06/2012

Date of decision: 14/06/2012

Effective from: 22/06/2012

This decision has been called in by:

  • Councillor Steve Darling who writes 1) Members ask why it is that the Mayor’s decision does not include any evidence as to how he came to that decision. The Overview and Scrutiny Board review panel took considerable care to receive evidence from both the residents of Torbay, and officers of the partner authorities charged with these matters. Did the Mayor take similar soundings before arriving at his decision? 2) Regarding refs 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the Mayor’s decision, Members ask for clarification as to why an issue that causes suffering for many of thousands of Torbay residents is seen by him to be a simple matter for the police to deal with. Surely the Council has very great responsibilities to the residents and tax payers who are suffering either directly or indirectly from the consequences of poorly managed private rented accommodation, and wider anti-social behaviour? Members challenge the Mayor’s approach whereby he seems to wash his hands of an issue that the panel’s report demonstrates is an issue that needs addressing as a matter of urgency. 3) Regarding ref 4, the review panel took care to ask expert officers to provide a business case for fast-tracked targeted enforcement to be implemented within the current financial year. This would bring relief to many residents whose lives are blighted by the problems addressed in the report. Why has the Mayor chosen to turn his back on that suffering, by totally ignoring the business case? What work of his own supports his decision to brush aside the advice of Members of all parties represented on the Council? "
  • Councillor Julien Parrott who writes I support Cllr Darling's call-in request."
  • Councillor Ruth Pentney who writes I support Councillor Darling's call-in request"
  • Councillor Mark Pountney who writes I support Councillor Darling's call-in request."
  • Councillor Darren Cowell who writes I support Councillor Darling's call-in request."