Inclusion Strategy
Decision Maker: Director of Corporate Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That the draft Inclusion Strategy be published for consultation.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council is subject to the Equality Act which stipulates that it must meet its Public Sector Equality Duty. This strategy will help to communicate the Council’s commitment and vision around inclusion and how it plans to meet its Public Sector Equality Duty.
Alternative options considered:
Not applicable.
The decision will be implemented immediately.
As a public sector organisation, Torbay Council is committed to meeting its Public Sector Equality duties under the Equality Act.??
The draft inclusion strategy sets out the Council’s approach to inclusion. It also includes the Council’s proposed refreshed equality objectives which it is required to publish every four years.
The consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to shape the final version of the Inclusion Strategy and to provide comment on the proposed equality objectives.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Publication date: 07/01/2025
Date of decision: 19/12/2024
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